Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

The Day of the Military Intelligence Agency marked

Minister Vulin: You protect your people and your country

- The Supreme Commander of the Serbian Armed Forces, Aleksandar Vučić, takes account of what you do, he is familiar with your successes, he knows how much you have contributed to keeping our  armed forces and our intelligence community safe and prepared for the days to come and the days in which we lasted. The Supreme Commander of the Serbian Armed Forces makes sure that every member of the army, especially of the intelligence community, knows what their basic and the most important duty is – to protect their country and their people and never to make compromises with the enemies of our country and our people – said the Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin at today’s ceremony on the occasion of the Day of the Military Intelligence Agency held in the Great War Hall of the Old General Staff.

The ceremony was attended by the Envoy of the President of the Republic and the Supreme Commander of the Serbian Armed Forces Milorad Veljović, the Deputy Prime Minister of Serbia and Minister of Internal Affairs Nebojša Stefanović , Members of the Parliament, representatives of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces, the diplomatic and military diplomatic corps, military intelligence sector, religious communities and other numerous guests.

Minister Vulin pointed out that the Serbian Armed Forces are one of the most respected institutions of our people, saying that the task of the members of the military intelligence community is to keep us all safe and tell us in advance where the evil is coming from and what should be done to prevent it.
Today, like before, Serbia and its people are facing the same issues and challenges which have been present at the Balkans for centuries, and for 136 years – Minister Vulin reminds – Serbia has strived to find out where the threat is coming from, what harm can befall us and be at least one step ahead of those who intend to harm us.

- In order to keep the peace and freedom, we cannot rely on force, money or technology which are often, i.e. almost always, on the side of those who think that Serbia is too big and that it should be made smaller, degraded and taught to obey. We can rely on our people, their willingness to learn and work and make sacrifices – said Minister Vulin.

Welcoming everyone present, The Director of the Military Intelligence Agency, Brigadier General Zoran Stojković pointed out that the members of the service are aware of their place and role in the intelligence and security community of the Republic of Serbia and that they performed all their tasks in the previous period conscientiously and dedicatedly, professionally and responsibly, although, due to the nature of their job, they remain unknown to the general public.

- We have held out on the other side of the state border, and searched for the elusive, hidden intentions and forged conspiracies of those who do not have good intentions towards Serbia – said the Director of the Military Intelligence Agency and confirmed that the operational breakthroughs have been achieved in the most difficult conditions

He pointed out that the Military Intelligence Agency’s imperative was to monitor migratory flows, political and security situation and instability in many countries, terrorism and cyber threats, but also the traditional forms of warfare which are still present.

- We are intensively engaged in gathering information which would help our state and military leaders in decision-making – said Brigadier General Zoran Stojković and expressed satisfaction with the considerable rejuvenation of personnel, adding that the members of the service have always been, are and will be where they are supposed to be, on the exterior holding line of the defence of our homeland“.

General Stojković presented the Plaque of the Military Intelligence Agency to the Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Internal Affairs Nebojša Stefanović and the Chief of the General Staff, General Milan Mojsilović  for exceptional cooperation and contribution, as well as for support to strengthening the security and intelligence system of the Republic of Serbia.

Military Intelligence Agency marks its Day in commemoration of 5th March 1884, when, as a part of reorganization and modernization of the Serbian army, the Decree on the General Staff Service was issued, establishing a Foreign Section within the Operations Division of the General Staff, led by our celebrated warrior, Duke Radomir Putnik.
mp4 (169,42 MB)
Minister Vulin's Address
mp4 (109,68 MB)
The address of Brigadier General Zoran Stojković
mp4 (130,97 MB)
The ceremony