Minister Vulin: Softić should remain silent until he answers the question - who tried to kill Vučić in Srebrenica?
Today, in response to the statement of Safet Softić, the Vice-President of the Party of Democratic Action (SDA), the Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin, said that Softić confirms with each statement that SDA did not diverge from the Islamic Declaration and did not learn that Republika Srpska is a category of the Dayton Agreement and Serbia is the protector of the Dayton Agreement.
- Vučić is sensitive about everything that threatens the Dayton Agreement and the peace, and the constant attempts to destroy and diminish Republika Srpska are the greatest threat to the peace and stability in the region. Instead of trying to ruin relations with Serbia, Softić could answer the question – who ordered and attempted to kill Aleksandar Vučić in Srebrenica? Until he answers that question, he should better remain silent – concluded Minister Vulin.