Congratulatory message from the Minister of Defense to the members of the Ministry of Defense and Serbian Armed Forces on the occasion of the Serbian Statehood Day
I congratulate all members of the Ministry of Defense and the Serbian Armed Forces as they celebrate 15thFebruary, Candlemass Day – the Statehood Day of Serbia.
In the Serbian history, this day is of particular importance, primarily because of the desire of the Serbian people to create a modern state and a lasting source and inspiration for future generations.
Today is the day when we celebrate Serbia and pay tribute to those who laid the foundations of our statehood, who fought for and achieved two sacred things – thefreedom and statehood of the Serbian people. We have learned from our ancestors that freedom is the highest value for which a person lives and fights every day.
Following in their footsteps through implementation of tasks set before them, members of the Ministry of Defense and the Serbian Armed Forces have successfully maintained the required level of operational and functional capabilities, demonstrating that they are, as always, with their people and citizens, providing full support for peace, security and stabilization in the region.
I congratulate you on the holiday convinced that you will continue to carry out tasks responsibly, with dedication and to the benefit of the people and the state of Serbia.