Enhancement of Cooperation with France in the Field of Defence Technologies
A delegation of the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Serbia, led by Acting Assistant Minister of Defence for Material Resources, Nenad Miloradović PhD, stayed in Paris where it was received by representatives of General Directorate for Armament of the Ministry of Armed Forces of the French Republic (DGA).
At the ninth in a row annual meeting, the military-economic cooperation between Serbia and France was evaluated as rather comprehensive. Serbia has recognised France as a strategic partner in the field of defence technologies.
The regular annual meeting was an opportunity to analyse the achieved level of military-economic cooperation and to define directions and plans for its advancement in the period to come.

The interlocutors analysed the achieved level of industrial cooperation stemming from signed contracts. During its stay in France, the Serbian delegation visited factories with which agreements on cooperation were signed last year, during the stay of French President Macron to our country.
It was concluded that the scope and content of the cooperation had been considerably improved, which had been significantly contributed by meetings at the highest state level.
Programme for cooperation for this year was agreed which envisages greater scope of joint development and modernisation of complex armament systems, and intensification of activities on technology transfer and raising capabilities of Serbian companies in the field of aviation technologies.