New Year Congratulatory message from the Minister of Defense
I send my warmest congratulations to all members of the Ministry of Defense and the Serbian Armed Forces for the New Year’s holidays.
In a year that we are saying farewell to, through professional accomplishment of tasks, modernization of the Armed Forces and successes achieved internationally, like countless times before, you have proven capable of meeting all the challenges, contributing in the best way to strengthening the reputation of the Ministry of Defense and the Serbian Armed Forces in the country and around the world.
The year ahead is laden with challenges, but knowing what human resources we possess, I have full confidence that we will successfully cope with them and reinforce our already significant role for the entire country, especially in terms of protecting the territorial integrity of the Republic of Serbia and participating in security structures for peacekeeping in both the region and beyond.
May the New 2020 bring to both you and your families health, peace of mind, some new beginnings and opportunities to explore all the joys of life.
Happy Holidays!