Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Presentation of Modernised Telecommunication-Information Systems

Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin and Chief of General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces General Milan Mojsilović, accompanied by their associates, visited today the Telecommunications and IT Department of the General Staff in the barracks “Banjica” in Belgrade where they were briefed about the achieved modernisation level of mobile components of telecommunications and IT systems of the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces.

As Minister Vulin pointed out, the Serbian Armed Forces always endeavour to be equipped with the state-of-the-art and best systems.

- Everything that we can purchase, and everything that we can acquire on the market, we will acquire it. More important than that is the integration process and something that is called “national intelligence”. Owing to our experts, owing to the knowledge of members of the Serbian Armed Forces, Military Technical Institute, Overhaul Facility “Čačak”, we have managed to integrate modern, foreign systems of French and Israeli production and make a functional whole which means a lot for our armed forces - Minister Vulin said.

Speaking about today’s presentation, the minister of defence stated that on that day the presentation consisted of zero series of signal systems which would be fielded to the Serbian Armed Forces and which would significantly increase signal and communication systems.

- The essence of modern warfare is the speed of information transfer, the speed and fluency of information, and then the capability of units as well to use the information and move away from the position from which they engaged as quickly as possible - Minister Vulin assessed adding that the Serbian Armed Forces tried not only to procure the assets, but to “enhance them, adapt them to their own purposes and advance them using their own intelligence”.

- It is only what you produce yourself, and what you maintain yourself that is essentially yours - Minister Vulin stated.

According to Head of Telecommunications and IT Department Brigadier General Ljubiša Đolović, today’s presentation displayed the results of workd of the Military Technical Insitute, Technical Overahaul Facility “Čačak” and Telecommunications and IT Department, and demonstrated the capabilities of the systems, and proposal and plan for further development.

Today’s display presented the new equipment modernised and developed by Telecommunications and IT Department, as well as manifold protection that these systems provide. The equipment encompasses the equipment of French company “Tales”, battalion mobile communication nod, brigade nod, radio relay station and radio intermediate station.
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