Minister Vulin: Order of the Commander-in-Chief to bring back 63rd Parachute Brigade and 72nd Special Operations Brigade fulfilled
- Today we are fulfilling the order of the commander-in-chief of the Serbian Armed Forces, Aleksandar Vučić, for the best to be the best, to be saved and equipped, armed and self-assured. Also, those who are the best must have the opportunity to protect their people, but also to advance, be trained and to be promoted to the highest ranks in the units they have selected, but which have selected them as well – minister Aleksandar Vulin said at today’s ceremony at the Pančevo-based Rastko Nemanjić barracks, held on the occasion of announcing the decision of the minister of defence on the organisational changes in the Special Force Brigade and the formation of the 63rd Parachute Brigade and the 72nd Special Operations Brigade. He recalled that the message of the commander-in-chief was that the stronger and more powerful the Serbian Army, the longer the peace and security would be.
Addressing members of the brigades, whose formation process will be completed in the coming period, the minister of defence pointed out that – wherever it was difficult and the Serbian people were bleeding and seeking help, those who marched under the heroic names of the two elite Serb units were there.
- Whenever the Serbian people were threatened with crime and destruction, those who bore your famous names were with them. Only an ungrateful people, and only an army that is not free and is under foreign command, would decide to lose the names of the glorious 72nd and glorious 63rd brigades and throw them into the past, hide them, diminish them and forget them.
Minister Vulin conveyed a message that only Serbia, for which they exist, live and for which they are so exceptional, will be above them.
- There have been times of the lack of freedom, in which we were ashamed of those who defended us, and in which others made decisions for us. Once again, we have won freedom, and anyone who is a friend of our people will be proud and happy that the two famous, most courageous victorious war brigades have returned. And those who do not wish well to the Serbian people and our country will have to think again if they ever think again that they should endanger our people and our country – minister of defence Aleksandar Vulin said.
- The Special Force Brigade, following the current security challenges, risks and threats, is being modified and reformed so that, in accordance with the best international standards, the special force units of the Serbian Armed Forces could effectively meet the security challenges and fulfil their essential role. The decision to form the 63rd Parachute Brigade and the 72nd Special Operations Brigade from the present Special Force Brigade was made to increase the speed of response, simplify the chain of command and successfully respond to and counter the contemporary challenges, risks and threats that urged the need for versatile and analytical consideration of the place, role and tasks of the special units in the time ahead of us, the chief of General Staff said, adding that units with a glorious warrior tradition are to be brought back to the Serbian Armed Forces, which would “correct the historical injustice” when those units were abolished.
General Mojsilović also said that during the previous period, the president of the Republic and commander-in-chief of the Serbian Armed Forces and the minister of defence paid special attention to equipping the Special Brigade with state-of-the-art weapons and military equipment, and that this will continue in the future.
Commander of the Special Brigade, Brigadier General Miroslav Talijan, pointed out that two bodies are being created today with one soul.
- Youth, but also experience, knowledge, courage, discipline and proven patriotism of our members, will contribute to the 72nd Special Operations Brigade and te 63rd Parachute Brigade to be highly professional, combat-efficient and dedicated in the performance of their tasks, and our military and national leadership expect us to remain worthy of the names of these heroic and war units – General Talian said, and conveyed message to the minister of defence and the chief of General Staff to rest assured that members of these elite units were aware that they had been selected, that a lot was expected from them, but that it was also an honour for them to be a part of these ranks and that they would do everything to fulfil all the tasks in the defence of Serbia.