Public announcement for applications of candidates for voluntary military service under arms and candidates for Reserve officers’ course of the Serbian Armed forces
Pursuant to Decision on abolishment of mandatory military service (“Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia” No.95/10), Article 135, paragraphs 4 and 5 of the Law on military, labour and material obligation (“Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia”, No. 88/09, 95/10 and 36/), and Article 3 of Regulation on manner and procedure for voluntary military service (“Official Military Gazette” No. 3/11 29/16) the Ministry of Defence issues
for applications of candidates for voluntary military service under arms and candidates for Reserve officers’ course of the Serbian Armed forces
Right to apply by candidates for voluntary military service under arms and candidates for Reserve officers’ course
Both male and female candidates who during the year 2020 turn between 19 and 30 years of age are entitled to apply for voluntary military service under arms in the Serbian Armed Force.
General conditions:
- Candidates have to be citizens of the Republic of Serbia;
- Candidates are not sentenced to term in juvenile prison or imprisonment without parole for a criminal offence (until they serve the sentence or are released on parole);
- There are no legal proceedings initiated against the candidates for a criminal offence for which they are prosecuted by service duty;
- Candidates have to be medically fit for military service;
- Candidates have not already served military service under arms and they have to be residents in the territory of the Republic of Serbia.
Apart from the general, candidates for Reserve officers’ course have to meet the following conditions:
- Candidates have to have completed bachelor studies or basic vocational studies significant for the Serbian Armed Forces;
- Candidates have to meet conditions stipulated for recruits sent to special units of the Serbian Armed Forces, and
- They have to pass security check.
2. Application and required documentation for the application of candidates for voluntary military service under arms and candidates for Reserve officers’ course of the Serbian Armed Forces.
The candidates are to file their applications in the centre of the Ministry of Defence for local self-government according to the place of their residence.
Candidates with residence abroad can file their application to responsible diplomatic-consular mission of the Republic of Serbia abroad. Candidates will receive application form in the centre of the Ministry of Defence for local self-government.
Candidates, who have applied for voluntary military service under arms, are obliged to fill the application form and attach: a photocopy of certificate of completed education (original documents are to be brought to show) and curriculum vitae.
Candidates for Reserve officers’ course are to attach to their application the following evidence:
- Contract with the Ministry of Defence on scholarship, if the candidate was financed by military and written consent for security check for assignment to special units of the Serbian Armed Forces.
3. Selection of candidates for voluntary military service under arms and candidates for Reserve officers’ course of the Serbian Armed Forces
Final ranking list of the candidates is compiled by regional centres of the Ministry of Defence on the basis of proposals from centres of the Ministry of Defence for local self-government, after conducted medical and other examinations and psychological testing of the candidates in authorised military health institutions.
Selection of required number of candidates from the final ranking list is done by commissions of regional centres of the Ministry of Defence, in line with the Plan for assignment of candidates for voluntary military service under arms to training centres and Plan for admission of students of Reserve officers’ course for defined intake.
4. Entering into contract
Selected candidates will sign a contract with the Ministry of Defence, which defines mutual rights and obligations, with mandatory identification of the start and end of the voluntary military service, conditions for life and work, emoluments, conditions for termination of the voluntary service and cost reimbursement in case of unjustified termination of military service.
All further information can be obtained in centres of the Ministry of Defence for local self-government in the place of residence, responsible diplomatic-consular mission of the Republic of Serbia abroad and at the web-site of the Ministry of Defence www.mod.gov.rs.
The public announcement for application of candidates for voluntary military service under arms and candidates for Reserve officers’ course of the Serbian Armed Forces in 2020 is continuously opened, and ranking of the candidates is going to be done periodically in accordance with intake periods.