Minister Vulin: Books are yet another way in which we fight against injustice and oblivion
- At the stand of the Ministry of Defense and the Serbian Armed Forces, we have been fighting injustice, oblivion, correcting what has been a planned and deliberated activity in order to humiliate, diminish our Armed Forces and our state. Once again, we have demonstrated that we are proud of all our commanders, all our warriors, and that those who are bothered by the fact that the Serbian people exist, that the Serbian people defended and is defending itself should know that their struggle is in vain, and not the struggle of the Serbian people – Minister of Defense Aleksandar Vulin said after visiting the stand of the Ministry of Defense and the Serbian Armed Forces at the 64th International Book Fair in Belgrade.
Explaining the purpose of the participation of the Ministry of Defense and the Serbian Armed Forces at the Book Fair, as well as the range and quantity of publications that these institutions present year after year to the readers, Minister Vulin emphasized that the purpose of the Serbian Armed Forces is to fight injustice.
- The purpose of the Serbian Armed Forces has always been to fight injustice, which is why the Ministry of Defense is at the Book Fair – to tackle all the injustices that plague and worry our people. Last year, we began to deal with oblivion surrounding the NATO aggression. We have been publishing, just like this year, the memories of our most significant war commanders. We did not allow either Košare or Paštrik to be forgotten, we did not forget about one single name of those who defended us during the NATO aggression – Minister Vulin recalled.
Referring to this year’s issues of the military publisher – Media Center “Odbrana” (“Defense”), Minister Vulin emphasized that he was also proud of the printing of the capital work “Popis vojnih i civilnih gubitaka Kraljevine Srbije u ljudstvu u Prvom svetskom ratu” (“List of Military and Civilian Casualties of the Kingdom of Serbia in the First World War”), prepared by the Military Archives and the Public Relations Department, and to whom the Book Fair has awarded special recognition for the publishing undertaking.
- This year we are infinitely proud that, 100 years after the end of World War I, we finally have the strength, the will, the desire and energy to at least list all those names of our martyrs and our fallen victims – said the Minister of Defense, adding that by printing publications like the book by Swedish judge Cristar Karphamar “Sudija u zemljama bezakonja” (“The Judge in the Lawless Country”), from the edition “Kosovo and Metohija”, whose promotion at the Fair he attended today, also corrected a historical injustice.
- This year we also corrected the injustice inflicted to all those who worked in the Kosovo and Metohija area within the international community, worked, only then to realize what they were actually doing and where they came. This year, we published a book by a Swedish judge that talked about the lawlessness in the territory of the so called Kosovo and Metohija and what evil and injustice had been done to the Serbs. The Serbian people have always had the courage to listen to both the good and the bad about themselves. I hope other nations will have the courage to do the same – Minister Vulin said.
In addition to the promotion of the book by Cristar Karphamar, Minister Vulin also attended the presentation of the book by retired Colonel Zoran Đorđević “U zoni uništenja – Ratni put 5. raketnog diviziona” (“Within the Destruction Zone – War Path of the 5th Rocket Division”), from the “Iskustvo ratovanja” (“Experience of War”) edition and Ivica T. Lazović’s book “Državna uprava i upravljanje ljudskim resursima” (“State Administration and Human Resources Management”) from the “Fokus” (”Focus”) edition.