Chronicle оf Belgrade Book Fair 2019
Book Fair Chronicle
19.00 Official opening of the stand - Amateur Choir of the Ministry of Defense and the Serbian Armed Forces: Anthem “Bože pravde” (“God of Justice”) - Address by Lieutenant Stefan Milićević, the best ranking cadet of the 140th class of the Military Academy - Amateur Choir of the Ministry of Defense and the Serbian Armed Forces: “Vila sa Košara” (“Fairy from Košare”) - Address by Secretary of State, Aleksandar Živković |
TOPIC: NEW CONCEPT OF TRAINING OF THE POPULATION FOR NATIONAL DEFENSE 11.00 PROJECTIONS by “Zastava film” - Video materials covering Reserve Training, school lectures, and Volunteer Military Service - 2014 Flood Material - Selected parts from “Dozvolite” (“Allow me to address you”) TV program 12.00 PRESENTATION OF THE DEFENSE SYSTEM: “New concept of training of the population for national defense” 14.00 PRESENTATION OF NEW EDITIONS - 14.00 “Spomen sobe u Ministarstvu odbrane i Vojsci Srbije - Ogledalo istorije i tradicije 1804-1918” (“Memorial rooms at MoD and SAF – A Reflection of History and Tradition 1804-1918”) (in Serbian, Russian and French languages) - 16.00 “Heroji otadžbine” (“Heroes of the Homeland”), 3rd abridged edition - 17.00 “Vojska Jugoslavije u odbrambenom ratu 1999. godine” (“Armed Forces of Yugoslavia in the Defensive War of 1999”), books 1-2, edition “Posebna izdanja” (“Special editions”) 18.00 DISCUSSION: “Concept of total defense in the contemporary conditions in the light of relevant experiences gained from defense against the NATO aggression in 1999” |
TOPIC: MILITARY HEALTH SERVICE IN SERBIA 11.00 PROJECTIONS OF MOVIES by “Zastava film” - “180 godina vojnog zdravstva” (“180 years of the Military Health System”) - “Vojna bolnica Niš” (“Military Hospital in Niš”) 12.00 - 14.00 PRESENTATION OF THE DEFENSE SYSTEM: Military Health Service in Serbia - 12.00 - 13.00 180 years since establishment and the level of development achieved in the Military Health Service in Serbia - 13.00 - 14.00 Lessons learned from engagement of light field hospital in Central African Republic 14.00 PRESENTATION OF NEW COURSEBOOKS - Violeta Rabrenović MD, Lupus Nefritis – Savremeni pristup dijagnostici i lečenju (Lupus Nefritis – contemporary approach in diagnostics and treatment) - Professor Radomir A. Matunović, MD and associates, Uvod u klinički rad (Introduction to clinical work) - Professor Gordana Dedić, MD, Veština komunikacije u medicine (The art of communication in medicine) 16.00 PRESENTATION OF NEW COURSEBOOKS - Nadica Marinković MD, Sudska medicina (Forensic Medicine) - Professor Gordana Mandić Gajić, MD, Medicinska psihologija (Medical Psychology) - Dušica Stamenković, MD, Akutni postoperativni bol (Acute postoperative pain) - Aleksandar Perić MD, Konzervativno lečenje rinitisa i rinosinuzitisa (Conservative treatment of rhinitis and rhinosinusitis) 18.00 DISCUSSION: “Experiences in engaging the capabilities of the Yugoslav Armed Forces Medical Services in Defense Force during the 1999 NATO aggression against the FRY” |
TOPIC: MILITARY DIPLOMACY AND SECURITY CHALLENGES 11.00 SELECTION FROM THE ARCHIVES OF “Zastava film” - A film about our contingent in UNIFIL and Lebanon - A film about our peacekeepers in the Central African Republic - Collage of international activities of the Minister of Defense, Chief of the General Staff, international military exercises 12.00 Presentation of new titles of the Media Center “Odbrana” (“Defense”) to Military Attachés accredited in the Republic of Serbia 14.00 PRESENTATION OF THE DEFENSE SYSTEM: “Challenges of Contemporary Military Diplomacy in the Age of Globalism” 15.00 PRESENTATION OF NEW EDITIONS - 15.00 “Skok na Slatinu – Ruski bataljon na Kosovu i Metohiji” (“Jump on Slatina – Russian Battalion in Kosovo and Metohija”) (testimonies of participants), edition „Ratnik” (“Worrier”), prepared by Miroslav Toholj - 16.00 Slobodan Đukić, “Strani uticaj na razvoj srpske vojne doktrine u XIX i prvoj deceniji XX veka” (“Foreign influence on the development of Serbian military doctrine in the XIX and the first decade of the XX century”), edition „Istorija” (“History”) 18.00 DISCUSSION: “ Geopolitical Aspect of Current Security Challenges to the Republic of Serbia” |
TOPIC: MILITARY EDUCATION 11.00 SELECTION FROM THE ARCHIVES OF “Zastava film” - Short film about the Military Academy (part of the direct broadcast of the promotion of Second Lieutenants) - Short film about the history of the School on National Defense 12.00 PRESENTATION OF THE DEFENSE SYSTEM: “Military education in the defense system” 14.00 PRESENTATION OF NEW EDITIONS - Aleksandar Životić, “Putnikova škola ratne veštine” (“Putnik’s School of Military Arts”), edition „Istorija” (“History”) - Velimir Ivetić, “Beleške sa ministarskih sednica uoči Velikog rata – Dušana P. Stefanovića” (“Ministerial notes on the eve of the Great War – by Dušan P. Stefanović”), edition „Istorija” (“History”) 16.00 PRESENTATION OF NEW EDITIONS - Marijana Mraović, “Od surove stvarnosti do alternativne realnosti – Propaganda vlade Milana Nedića 1941-1944” (“From Harsh Reality to Alternative Reality – Propaganda by the Government of Milan Nedić 1941-1944”) , edition „Istorija” (“History”) - Svetko Kovač, “Oficir sa pet dosijea – Život Dimitrija Cvetkovića” (“An officer with five dossiers – the life of Dimitrije Cvetković”), edition „Istorija” (“History”) 18.00 DISCUSSION: “BE A SOLDIER” |
TOPIC: ARMED FORCES AND WAR 11.00 SELECTION FROM THE ARCHIVES OF “Zastava film” - “Ratne priče sa Košara” (“War stories from Košare”) - “Ratne priče sa Paštrika” (“War stories from Paštrik”) - “Kosovska trilogija” (“Kosovo trilogy”) - “549.mtbr” (“549th Armored Mechanized Unit”) – decorated war Brigades. 12.00 PRESENTATION OF THE DEFENSE SYSTEM: “Air Force and Air Defense – 70th Anniversary of 204 Air Force Brigade and 98 Air Force Brigade – anniversary to be proud of” 14.00 PRESENTATION OF NEW EDITIONS - Nebojša Pavković, “Miris baruta i smrti na KiM 1998” (“The smell of gunpowder and death at 1998 Kosovo and Metohija”), edition “Ratnik” (“Worrier”) - “General Pavković – Svedočenja iz Finske” (“General Pavković – Testimonies from Finland”), prepared by D. Marković and R. Mutavdžić, edition “Ratnik” (“Worrier”) 16.00 PRESENTATION OF NEW EDITIONS - Boško Antić, “Ratni dani Ratne mornarice” (“Wartime days of the Navy”), edition “Ratnik” (“Worrier”) - “Vojvoda Petar Bojović – Razmatranja vojne moći” (“Vojvoda Petar Bojović – Contemplations about Military Power”), 1-2, edition “Istorija” (“History”), prepared by Colonel Stevica S. Karapandžin 18.00 DISCUSSION: “Defense lessons learned during the NATO aggression – REMEMBERED THROUGH BOOKS” |
TOPIC: MILITARY MEDIA 11.00 SELECTION FROM THE ARCHIVES OF “Zastava film” - MoD and SAF in 2018 - Seven decades of “Zastava Film” - Collage of announcement videos 12.00 PRESENTATION OF THE DEFENSE SYSTEM: MoD and SAF communication with the public 14.00 PRESENTATION OF NEW EDITIONS - “Popis vojnih i civilnih gubitaka Kraljevine Srbije u ljudstvu u Prvom svetskom ratu” (“List of military and civilian casualties of the Kingdom of Serbia in the First World War”), books 1-14 and CD edition – Military Archives 16.00 PRESENTATION OF NEW EDITIONS - Dušan M. Babac, “Srbi – čuvari granice Habzburške monarhije” (“Serbs – the border guards of the Habsburg Monarchy”), edition “Posebna izdanja” (“Special editions”) - Dušanka Maričić, “Diplome i povelje XIX i XX veka” (“Diplomas and charters of the 19th and 20th centuries”), edition “Posebna izdanja” (“Special editions”), Military Museum 18.00 DISCUSSION: “Media War – experiences and lessons learned in 1999” |
PRESENTATION OF NEW EDITIONS 12.00 Edition GEOPOLITIKA (“Geopolitics”) - Dževad Galijašević, “Zemlja beznađa – Bosna i Bošnjaci između juče i sutra” (“The Land of Despair – Bosnia and Bosniaks between yesterday and tomorrow”), - Aleksandar Dugin, “Ukrajina – moj rat” (“Ukraine – my war”) - Srećko Đukić, “Bela Rus na koridoru velikih ratova” (“Bela Rus at the corridor of the great wars”) 13.00 Edition KOSOVO and METOHIJA, WARING EXPERIENCE AND FOCUS |