Congratulations of the Minister of Defense on the occasion of the military holidays
Congratulations for the Day of the Artillery
I send my warmest congratulations to all members of Artillery on the occasion of 14 September –the Day of Artillery.
By nurturing the tradition of the brave Artillerymen at the Macedonian Front, you mark the 101stanniversary of the branch by successfully completing the tasksset and contributing to the further development and affirmation of your branch.
I congratulate you on this holiday assured that you will in the forthcoming period continue the work on the professional development and training of your members and contribute to the development of the defense system and the Serbian Armed Forceswith equal dedication.
Congratulations for the Day of the Military Police
I send my warmest congratulations to all members of the Military Police on the occasion of 14 September–Day of the MilitaryPolice.
Ever since by the order of the Supreme Commanderof the Armed Forces of the FNRY the Military Police was established in the Yugoslav People’s Army, members of the Military Police have continued to perform high-quality tasks in the field of crime suppression, control and maintenance of military order and discipline, securing the most important military facilities, regulating and controlling military road traffic and counter-terrorist protection.
By successfully completing the tasks, you manage to maintain a highly respectable level and contribute to preserving and strengthening the operational capabilities of the Serbian Armed Forces, as well as the security of the entire country.
I congratulate you on the holiday, convinced that your priority will always remain to maintain the high levels of competence of your members and to achieve significant results in your work as you have always done.
Congratulations for the Day of the Quartermaster Service
I send my warmest congratulations to all members of the Quartermaster Service on the occasion of 14 September – theDay of the Service.
Since the establishment until this very time, as one of the oldest Logistical Services, you have been outlining the importance of the QuartermasterService in the defense system by working daily to create the best possible living and working conditions for the members of the Ministry of Defense and the Serbian Armed Forces.
I am convinced that in the days to come, you will continue to successfully complete the tasks set and I congratulate you on the holiday.