Check of Preparedness for Exercise “BEGEJ 2019”
Today, at temporary training ground “Titel”, Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin attended the check of preparedness for joint tactical live exercise “BEGEJ 2019” which is going to be held on Sunday, 8th September. During today’s visit, the minister of defence attested to a high level of training and preparedness of participants in the incoming exercise.
More than 900 members of the Serbian Armed Forces from the Army, AF and AD and Special Brigade will participate in the exercise “BEGEJ 2019” where they will perform a river special force assault, boat fire support, establishment of bridge crossing position and AF and AD flybys.
The Radio Television of Serbia will broadcast the exercise “BEGEJ 2019” live on Sunday, 8th September 2019, from 10.00 on the second channel, but the citizens can observe the exercise from the banks of the Tisa river in Titel.
Deputy Chief of General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces Major General Petar Cvetković, the Army Commander Lieutenant General Milosav Simović and AF and AD Commander Major General Duško Živković had an opportunity as well during today’s visit to make sure that everything is ready for the exercise “BEGEJ 2019”.
mp4 (162,71 MB)