Minister Vulin: Proud of the Military and the Police
“Yesterday's demonstration of the ‘Defence of Freedom، which was performed yesterday by the members of the Serbian Armed Forces and the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Serbia in Niš, on the occasion of the Victory Day, showed that Serbia can be safe relying on those who protect it and those who defend its freedom”, Defence Minister Aleksandar Vulin said.
- The Serbs value freedom above all. The Serbs love their Armed Forces and the Serbs love their Police, their security structures, because they know that only if we have our own soldier and our policeman and our judge and our president, we can be sure that we will decide ourselves about the destiny of our country. I am very proud of all members of the Armed Forces and the Police who showed how trained they are, how much they are equipped, how much Serbia can be safe, calm and secure – Minister Vulin said.
According to him, the yesterday's demonstration is not a show of force, because Serbia has no territorial pretensions to its neighbours, but a suggestion that Serbia is able to protect its people and its freedom.
- All those who criticised the Parade and spoke of it as a show of muscles, as a demonstration of force, should be reminded that Serbia above all values freedom and has the right and reason to show its strength, to show how much it has progressed, to show how much more powerful it is and how much stronger it is. Serbia does not have any territorial pretensions towards anyone; it has no open issues with its neighbours. None of us should be afraid, nobody should be afraid, but everyone should know that Serbia is able to protect its freedom, protect its own way of life and protect all Serbs, no matter where they live. Whoever does not have their own army will have to feed someone else’s. We have our armed forces. We have our own police. Yesterday, we showed this for the great pride of our people – Minister Vulin emphasised.
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