Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Celebration of the Serbian Armed Forces Day

In the framework of celebration 23rd April – Serbian Armed Forces Day, a military celebration was held at the airfield Batajnica which was attended by Commander of the Air Force and Air Defence Major General Duško Žarković with associates.

Congratulating the holiday to the members of AF and AD, General Žarković reminded that on that year they celebrated the 204th anniversary of the Second Serbian Uprising and the existence of our armed forces.

- We are proud of the results achieved in the period between two holidays, owing to chiefly self-sacrificing, zeal and professionalism of our members. We have managed to discharge assigned tasks and thus contribute to security of the Republic of Serbia and raising the level of renown of the military profession and Serbian Armed Forces. Performing military profession cannot be done without love for one’s fatherland and loyalty to one’s people. The one who chooses to become a soldier, he deserves special respect since being a member of Serbian Armed Forces means to serve general good and be ready for efforts and self-denial for the purpose of defence and achievement of the noblest values of society and state interests – General Žarković said.

According to him, the Serbian Armed Forces are advancing their operational capabilities and they are always ready to give their best and successfully execute all their missions and tasks as a reliable support to stability of the fatherland.

-In the period between two holidays, through responsible work and professional relation we have achieved very good and excellent results while maintaining security and protection of life and health of people. The previous year was marked by numerous activities among which I point out participation in peace building and peace maintaining missions in the region and world, execution of national and multinational exercises, first of all the “Century of the Victors 1918-2018”, securing administrative line and control of the Ground Safety Zone, control and protection of sovereignty of the airspace of the Republic of Serbia, modernisation of operational weapons and military equipment, introduction in service aircraft MiG-29 and LASTA, and contracting the procurement of multipurpose helicopters H-145M, Mi-17, Mi-35 and modern AD rocket systems – General Žarković said and added that the AF and AD have always given full contribution to building operational capabilities of the armed forces.

General Žarković pointed out that the members of AF and AD executed all assigned tasks, along with improving capabilities primarily for control and protection of airspace sovereignty, and air support for the Army. The process of equipping with modern arms and military equipment in the course of this and beginning of the following year with raising the level of training will significantly enhance operational capabilities of the arm – the AF and AD Commander stressed.

- It is only by professional relation to tasks and obligations, incessant work on the improvement of capabilities of each individual and unit, high quality maintenance of materiel, building strong collectives that we can efficiently respond to all challenges and threats and preserve the honour and dignity of Serbian soldiers – said Commander of AF and AD General Žarković among other.

At the end of the celebration, an order was read on regular and early promotions and rewards to recognise the most deserving members of the AF and AD for selfless engagement and self-sacrifice shown in the last year. A special part of the celebration was a static display of assets and equipment used in the units of AF and AD.

All commands, units and establishments of the Serbian Armed Forces organised military celebrations to mark the Serbian Armed Forces Day, with the attendance of retired members, representatives of local government, religious communities, educational and public companies, and wreath and flower lying ceremonies were organised as well at memorials to killed members of the armed forces.

In the barracks “Knjaz Mihajlo” in Niš held a ceremony to mark the Serbian Armed Forces Day for the members of the Army in Niš Garrison, when they read congratulatory messages and orders on promotions and awarding stimulating measures on the occasion of the Serbian Armed Forces Day. The Army Commander Lieutenant General Milosav Simović congratulated the holiday to all the Army members.

At a celebration held in Training Command, Commander of this operational unit, Lieutenant General Đokica Petrović congratulating the Serbian Armed Forces Day, pointed out that the greatest value of the Training Command is its human potential adorned by high level of professionalism, competence, stable interpersonal relations, solidarity and mutual respect and esteem.

On the occasion of the Serbian Armed Forces Day, in memorial complex “The Second Serbian Uprising” in Takovo, wreaths were laid by delegations of the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces led by Deputy Commander of the Training Command Brigadier General Jelesije Radivojević.

The Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces observe the Serbian Armed Forces Day - 23rd April, in memory of the Second Serbian Uprising that was raised on that date, on Palm Sunday, in Takovo in 1815. Then, at a gathering of prominent aldermen, a decision was passed to start the Second Serbian Uprising for liberation of Serbia from the Ottoman rule.
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