Promotion of the book “Trap for Shell Fragments”
Today, in the Ceremonial Hall of the Central Military Club, promotion of the book “Trap for Shell Fragments” – a contribution to peace and humanity by Primarius Dr Dušanka Mandić, published by Odbrana Media Centre, was held. This book was also presented last autumn among the titles of Odbrana Media Centre at the Belgrade Book Fair.
With the book “Trap for Shell Fragments”, Dr Mandić marked the 25th anniversary of her work in that area and it shows the path the author passed from the idea to the application of the patent. It tells about the invention she patented in 1995, which has been in the register of medical devices since 2000. Since 2007, it has been studied as a new technology in medicine but, for the time being, only in postgraduate medical studies.
The idea has grown into an invention - the trap is actually a magnetic strip that helps with removal of shell fragments, bullets and everything else that can remain in the body after wounding, endanger the life of the wounded, or seriously limit it, using a non-invasive method without surgery, and with easier healing and tissue reconstruction.
After a thorough certification in medicine, the trap for shell fragments has come to life in practice. Initially it was used for treating the wounded, cautiously, exclusively in hospital conditions, and then it was confirmed also as a non-invasive method in outpatient and field conditions. Today in several hundreds of paperboards there are case-histories of patients who asked for her help, out of which there are some 300 specific cases that are listed in the book. The trap for shell fragments changed the fate of tens of thousands of the wounded throughout the world, and has been successfully applied in 54 countries. In recent times, its application has become increasingly important for the treatment of peacetime injuries.
Brigadier General Prof. Dr Dragan Dinčić pointed out that the goodness clearly radiates from every part of this book, and it could also be recognised from the words of Dr Mandić who says: - I tried to help with my small contribution to the great, brave people who suffered great destruction of their organism in order for them to continued to live more easily and in a relatively quality way of life.
General Dr Dinčić said that the author's work came into play among patients who could not be treated either by traditional Western or our classic medicine.
- And exactly this hope of healing is the greatest benefit of this method and this book, which has eternised the method. This only merged valuable, thousand-year-old medical knowledge of the Chinese and Hindu people, which are based mainly on acupuncture and partly on the application of magnets, then contemporary knowledge in medicine and physics, and the experience and knowledge of Dr Mandić. This connection is the essence of holism, as a tendency in philosophy that says - the truth is always only in its entirety, and a whole cannot be reduced to its constituent parts - Dr Dinčić emphasized and added that alternative medicine, or as some call it complementary medicine, should not be just a straw for salvation, but a decision to get on with a healthy life in time and in line with yourself and with nature. - The MMA, as it is organized, represents an integrative approach to patients because it contains all branches of medicine under one roof and that has always been and will be a great benefit. In part, there was a lack of complementary medicine, and some years ago some of our young physicians dealing with physiotherapy were sent to Chinese hospitals for traditional Chinese medicine. They stayed there for a year and brought new knowledge of these ancient sciences.
Thanks to them, and afterwards the visits of brigadier generals Dr Dinčić and Dr Uglješa Jovičić (Head of the Military Health Department) to the Chinese hospital for traditional medicine, it was agreed to establish a department for traditional Chinese medicine at the MMA with the help of Chinese military health and the Republic of China.
- I can say that spatial preparations are in progress and that part will be organically included in the composition of MMA. Our educated doctors will work in it under the constant presence of colleagues from China who deal with traditional Chinese medicine - Deputy Head of MMA said.
Colonel Assistant Professor Dr Srđan Starčević is still in a position to find shell fragments and other ferrous foreign bodies in the bodies of patients. He told a story at the promotion when was it that he got acquainted with this medical device.
-Those who are not dealing with surgery think it can do everything. But it cannot. Usually, young surgeons when they see a ferrous foreign body, they want to get it out and it seems easy to them, but believe me, after 30 years of work in surgery, I can say it is not like that. And there comes a magnetic trap that made life easier for patients and the work for surgeons to get those foreign bodies out in a minimally invasive way - Colonel Assistant Professor Dr Starčević said.
During the past decades, Dr Mandić was assisted by professors from technical faculties. Professor Dejan Raković, a retired professor of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, reviewer of the book, said at the promotion that in the promoted book, emphasis was placed on the trap, but that Dr Mandić was very successful in dealing with the use of magnetotherapy on acupuncture points, with the possibility of recovery of even those disorders that were inaccessible to the official medicine. He also pointed out that she is one of the pioneers in these areas.
Duška Mandić is the youngest primarius in Serbia, academician of the Serbian Academy of Innovation Sciences and vice president of the Russian Academy for treating victims of disasters.