Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Fourth Regional PR Conference in Belgrade

The 4th  Regional PR conference on the topic "Military education and promotion of military occupation" has started in Belgrade, today.
The organiser of the conference, which is held in Serbia for the second time, is the Public Relations Department of the Ministry of Defence, with the support of the United Kingdom Embassy.
Speaking at the opening of the conference, Captain (Navy) Petar Bošković, Head of the Public Relations Department, stressed the importance of military education, which is the basis of the defence of any state.
- Preserving peace, security and stability at all levels, from national, regional, to global security, is the aspiration of any peace-loving country. It respects the freedom of other states and nations as much as it requires freedom for itself, for its citizens and for their better life - Captain (Navy) Bošković said.
He said that military education includes schooling, advancement and qualification for defence purposes, and that it is a process of continuous learning and mastering skills.
Defence Attaché of the United Kingdom in Belgrade, Colonel Nikola Ilić, thanked everyone who responded to the invitation to participate in the conference and said that the event is a good opportunity for exchanging ideas and experiences, where participants can learn from each other.
During the two-day work, the focus will be on the topics of military education in the region, training for the needs of participation in peacekeeping operations, the role of women in the military and the promotion of the military occupation.

Participants in the conference are representatives of the ministries of defence and armed forces from Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, the Republic of North Macedonia, the United Kingdom and Serbia, as well as media representatives from the regional countries.
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