Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Minister Vulin: The 63rdParachute - the symbol of resistance to NATO aggression

The glorious 63rd Parachute heroic brigade became the symbol of resistance to the NATO aggression and not only to that aggression. Wherever and whenever it was tough, the paratroopers of the 63rd Parachute Brigade were there to help. There is a small number of countries that can pride themselves on having such heroes and such unit. The continuous tradition of the 63rd is something that is recognised in the armed forces, highly appreciated and something that makes the entire Serbian people very proud - stated Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin at the ceremony of presenting military memorials to the members of former 63rd Parachute Brigade to mark 20th anniversary of defence against NATO aggression on the FR Yugoslavia.

Underlying that Serbia is proud of each of its officers and soldiers, Minister Vulin said that “all those who participated in defence against NATO aggression deserve our attention and respect. Those killed in the NATO aggression deserve to be remembered and that their families know that the state is there for them taking care of each of them”.

- We started the presentation of the military memorials for the participation in defence against NATO aggression from the 63rd Parachute Brigade. It is our elite unit. It is a unit of brave men, a unit of men who no matter if they are active or its reserve, are always ready to help their unit and country. We started from the 63rd Parachute Brigade, but we could have started with any other heroic brigade, since every brigade of ours was heroic, every Serbian unit was elite because it was made up of elite men - stated the minister of defence.

He underlined that “twentieth anniversary of NATO aggression is the time and the place to remember those who are not with us, and to be immensely proud of those who are with us, of those who continued to fight, of those who preserved Serbia as a free country”.

- Serbia is proud of each soldier, each officer, each policeman, and all those who defended and preserved their country. Besides, who can say where the people stops, and the military starts? We were one and we will remain one. That is why we are free - Minister Vulin sent the message.

Remembering NATO aggression carried out against our country in 1999, without the mandate of the United Nations, Commander of the Army Special Brigade Brigadier General Miroslav Talijan particularly underlined the resistance of our people and the success of combat operations of our armed forces, especially of their elite units - the 72nd Special and the 63rd Parachute Brigade.

- These days as well, our state, supported by resurrected and newly created world powers, wages a decisive battle for the preservation of its people, our Orthodox shrines and everything that is ours in Kosovo and Metohija. In our own military way, we as well participate in that fight - stated General Talijan saying that the recognitions that were presented on that day meant a lot, chiefly because of the killed members, to whom as people and state we owed great gratitude for the fight in which they had not spared their lives.

Deputy Commander of the Joint Operations Command and wartime Commander of the 63rd Parachute Brigade Major General Ilija Todorov said that the military memorial received by the members of the 63rd Parachute Brigade was another evidence that they were thought about. - It is especially important - General Todorov stressed - not to forget the perished members of the unit, and their families, as well as those who were wounded.

- Conferring such a military memorial is yet another proof of the greatness of this unit, that everyone thinks of it and that our supreme military leadership attaches great importance to the heroic unit, the 63rd Parachute Brigade - General Todorov underlined.

For the retired Lieutenant Colonel Vidoje Kovačević, wartime Chief of staff of the 63rd Parachute Brigade and direct participant in the combat actions in the territory of Kosovo and Metohija in 1999, where he was wounded, the received military memorial represents a recognition and honour.

- After 20 years of the criminal NATO bombardment of the FRY, we received the military memorial for the participation in combat actions in 1999. For me, this is a recognition, honour and a sign that the state has not forgotten its warriors who gave themselves for the preservation of the Serbianhood and the FRY - Kovačević said.

According to retired Lieutenant Colonel Mile Karanović, in the most difficult times for the fatherland, the members of the 63rd Parachute Brigade left their hearts and souls for its defence.

- Every soldier, warrior and veteran is glad when his fatherland remembers him. This should have probably been done several years ago, but every one of us is glad when this happens - Karranović stressed.

At today’s ceremony, held in the Military Club in Niš, military memorials were presented by Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin to the families of perished members of the 63rd Parachute Brigade, while Chief of General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces Lieutenant General Milan Mojsilović conferred the military memorials to the transferred members of that brigade. Military recognitions were presented to retired members of the brigade by Deputy Commander of the Joint Operations Command Major General Ilija Todorov, while the recognitions were presented to the members of the 63rd Parachute Battalion by the Special Brigade Commander Brigadier General Miroslav Talijan.

The celebration was attended by State Secretary Aleksandar Živković and Mayor of Niš Darko Bulatović.
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