Memorial Service for the Victims of NATO Aggression
Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin and Chief of General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces Lieutenant General Milan Mojsilović attended a requiem service for the victims of NATO Aggression, that was served today in the St. George Chapel in the barracks “Banjica 2”.
The memorial service was led by the Head Chaplain of the Serbian Armed Forces First Priest Major Slađan Vlajić who sent a message in his service that the names of those who had not been with us in the previous 20 years, must not be passed to oblivion.
- 20 years ago, you stood in alignment and in trenches together with those who are not with us today, whose names we heard so that we can be reminded of them. It is a long list and far too long. That list of Serbian nation of martyrs is not solely from these last 20 years, but from time immemorial, from Genesis. That list goes back to the times before Kosovo and days of Kosovo, and leaves us who are here, and who enjoy our freedom, an obligation never to forget it - the Head Chaplain of the Serbian Armed Forces sent the message.
He said that the names of all the victims, like small balls in a censer, rang on that day the truth which they had defended and guarded, and that truth was our liberty.
The memorial service for the victims of NATO Aggression is going to be served in all facilities for religious services of the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces.
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