Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Minister Vulin: We will not do to other nations what they did to us

- Serbia has neither provoked nor caused NATO aggression, just as neither of our killed children deserved to be killed. Serbia did what any free country would do, fought and defended from terrorist attacks, and therefore, instead of awards and recognitions, it was attacked and bombed, Defence Minister Aleksandar Vulin said at the International Conference “Peace and Progress instead of Wars and Poverty” organized in the framework of celebrating 20 years since defending against NATO aggression on the FRY.
He recalled that it has not been for the first time in the history of the Serbian people that it was attacked by the bigger ones, that they kill its children, and take away the country, but it has been for the first time that the war allies, with whom we lost more than two million lives in two world wars, fighting for the common values of freedom and justice, get united with those against whom we fought in those wars, precisely because they did not believe in these ideas.
According to Minister Vulin, the time in which the Serbian people was educated and almost upbrought that the NATO aggression was actually provoked and that the Serbs themselves were to be blamed for all the evil they had suffered, is part of the past.
- From 2000 to 2012, the Serbian people were banned from speaking and recalling the NATO aggression. The first man who had courage to step up and say that it was NATO aggression, and not NATO campaign or NATO operation, was then Prime Minister Aleksandar Vučić, the minister of defence said.
Minister Vulin sees the decision to make Serbia a militarily neutral country in Serbia's determination to be free.
- Serbia has chosen to be militarily neutral and we will not become a member of the NATO Pact, even if it were the last country that is not a member of the NATO Pact. And as long as Aleksandar Vučić is the president of the state of Serbia, as long as he leads the country, we will not be a member of the NATO Pact. So we have chosen and that is why they bombed us, but in the first place, because we will never be able to do to other nation, upon someone else's order, what they did to us. Serbia has chosen to be free. Serbia has chosen to be militarily neutral, Aleksandar Vulin said.
On behalf of the Serbian people, Minister Vulin thanked all the participants of the Conference who were courageous enough, just as they were 20 years ago, in the darkest period of Serbian history – during the NATO aggression, to be with Serbia and the Serbs and to find the truth about aggression in the world.
- In these difficult and darkest moments, when all the political elites of this world watched calmly killing one people, small in numbers, but the people eager for freedom, courageous individuals were with us. Twenty years later, they gathered here in Belgrade to see people that is different, that is as brave as it was then, but that recovered from the time from 2000 to 2012, a people that has the courage to call things by their real name. I wish to thank them on behalf of the entire Serbian people. When it was difficult, they told the truth about Serbia in their countries where they were criticized and attacked, Minister Vulin said and emphasized that Serbia is a country that remembers and that Serbs are a people that never forgets neither good nor bad.
Organisers of the International Conference, to which numerous experts from international law, historical, military and political sciences, social and humanitarian organisations from the country and abroad responded, are the Belgrade Forum, the Club of Generals and Admirals of Serbia, the Alliance of Associations of the National Liberation War Veterans of Serbia (SUBNOR) and the Serbian Hosts Association.
More than 70 registered speakers will give their view of aggression and express their support for the Serbian people and leadership for persistent opposition to force and sacrificing to heroic defence of the rights of small nations to their sovereignty and their own choice.
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