Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Military Medical Academy Day marked

The ceremony on the occasion of the Military Medical Academy and 175 years of work of this military, educational and scientific research institution took place tonight in the Great War Room of the old General Staff in Belgrade.

The ceremony was attended by Advisor to the President of the Republic of Serbia, MiloradVeljović, Director of the Police Vladimir Rebić, Minister of Labor, Employment, Veterans and Social Affairs Zoran Đorđević, State Secretary in the Ministry of Defense,AleksandarŽivković, State Secretary in the Ministry of Internal Affairs,BiljanaPopovićIvković, Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces,Major General PetarCvetković, representatives of medical and scientific institutions, as well as numerous associates of that military medical institution.

As the Head of the Military Medical Academy, Colonel, prof. Dr.Miroslav Vukosavljevićpointed out, “Being a member of the MMA is not just an occupation, rather a permanent calling”.

- We are deeply aware of the weight of obligations and enormous responsibilities, which each member of the military health service carries on their shoulders, and here I would includeeveryone with their heart and soul belonging to the Military Medical Academy. This is a call in which we carry uniforms with pride and honor, uniforms both military and medical, it is a call to always stand ready to respond to the task, bravely andprofessionally, to acquire knowledge, exchange experiences with colleagues in the country and abroad, dedicate ourselves to the patient not only as experts, but also people who have a great privilege to assist in this way, said Colonel Vukosavljević.

He emphasized that everyone who perceive the MMA as their second home know how high they have raised the bar in professional and every other way.

- We know that there are numerous challenges, some of which, as a specific military-health system, are shared with the entire society. That is why we highly appreciate the support that we receive from our state leadership and the Ministry of Defense. Only a strong Military Medical Academy brings security to the members of the Ministry of Defense and the Serbian Armed Forces, all security forces of Serbia, as well as all citizens of our country. On behalf of the MMA collective, Iassure youthat we are at your disposal to achieve this goal together and uphold it for all the future generations, the Head of the MMA concluded.

At today's ceremony, the best organizational unit of the MMA in the previous yearhas traditionally been proclaimed. This honor was given to the Clinic for Cardiology and Emergency Internal Medicine, and the award was handed to its Head, Colonel,prof. Dr.Slobodan Obradović by the Head of MMA, Colonel Vukosavljević.
Medal “Dr.VladanĐorđević”, a recognition that the Military Medical Academy has traditionally been awarding to the best Serbian surgeons since 2009, was handed over to retired Colonel,prof. Dr.NebojšaStanković and academician prof. Dr.MarkoBumbaširević.

The Mixed Choir of the Ministry of Defense and the SerbianArmed Forces and the Quartet of the Artistic Ensemble of the Ministry of Defense “Stanislav Binički” participated in this evening’s celebration.

The MMA marks its Day in memoryof2March 1844, when Prince AleksandarKarađorđević signed a decree promulgating the “Law on Establishingthe Hospital for the Central Army”. On that day, the first military hospital in Belgrade was founded, the history of which is continued by the MMA. 
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