Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Minister Vulin: Progress can be seen in every part of life and work of all members of our Armed Forces

Progress can be seen in every part of life and work of all members of our Armed Forces. We will continue to strengthen and develop because Serbia deserves such Armed Forces, Defence Minister Aleksandar Vulin said, as he visited the Technical Test Centre in Nikinci, today.
Minister Vulin stressed that every member of the Serbian Armed Forces and the material standard of all its members are also taken care of. “Thus, in 2011, the last year when the DOS was ruling, the average salary of our professional soldier was EUR 276, while today it is EUR 359: at that time, the non-commissioned officer received an average of EUR 371 while today they receive EUR 486. In that year, when DOS ruled, an officer received an average of EUR 558, while today they receive EUR 681”, Minister Vulin said.
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