Minister Vulin: As long as Vučić is the President, Republika Srpska will be guarded and preserved
- The Republic of Serbia perceives Republika Srpska as its foreign policy priority. Any action we make, any decision of ours is always related to how it would affect Republika Srpska. As long as President Aleksandar Vučić is at the helm of the Republic of Serbia, Republika Srpska will be guarded and Republika Srpska will be preserved. Just as his policy strengthened Serbia, so it will strengthen and preserve Republika Srpska – Defence Minister Aleksandar Vulin said in Banja Luka at the celebration of the Day of Republika Srpska.
According to him, the Serbs are today faced with the threat from the greater Albania, faced with the threat of nullifying their very existence wherever they do not have their own country and wherever others decide on them.
When we would be solving it, we have to solve it by looking at the Serbdom as a whole - not this or that part. Serbs must think of solving the Serbian national issue as a whole, regardless of where they live, but they must have a single centre, and must have a unique political path and unique political decisions. These decisions must be made in Belgrade, they must be made jointly by all Serbs, but they must be made taking into account all parts of Serbdom. We have no right to abandon the solution of the Serbian national issue. Nowadays, when we are confronted with greater Albania, when we are confronted with the idea that the Balkans should serve solving the Albanian national issue, we must not stop working on the solution of the Serbian national issue - Minister Vulin said.