Ministry of Defense: 5 billion damage due to Šutanovac
Former Minister of Defense and ex-President of DS, Dragan Šutanovac joined the orchestrated campaign of lies and attacks directed against the Ministry of Defense claiming that the Ministry of Defense is in blockade. The Ministry of Defense would not even pay attention to the lies of the former Minister, but needs to, for the sake of the public. The Ministry of Defense is not indebted to anyone and has regularly paid off all wages and contributions. With the budget execution of 99.5%, it is one of the most efficient Ministries in the Government.
The Ministry of Defense has regretfully been subject to execution in the amount of RSD 3 billion, based on the indictment of 1999 reservists who, when due to the decision of Dragan Šutanovac, reservists from Toplički district were paid double, filed a complaint and won the case on grounds of discrimination. Due to the illegal decision of Dragan Šutanovac and his desire to win the elections at the end of 2008, the Ministry of Defense paid out RSD 2 billion in damages for execution in 2017 and another RSD 3 billion in 2018. And that is the executions that Šutanovac indicates to. He, who through his illegal actions has caused the Ministry of Defense to lose RSD 5 billion, now accuses the Ministry for this. Such hypocrisy is unprecedented.
All transactions and payments by the Ministry are carried out through the consolidated account of the Treasury managed by the Ministry of Finance, viz. the Ministry of Defense has no authority to manage this account. Thus, all payments, even forcible, are executed by the Treasury. When it comes to enforced execution, it is the jurisdiction of the Treasury to remove funds and there are no delays, rather acting under executive court orders.