Minister Vulin: Serbia is free, protected and safeguarded
Defence Minister Aleksandar Vulin and Lieutenant General Milan Mojsilović, Chief of General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces, accompanied by Major General Duško Žarković, Air Force and Air Defence Commander, have visited this evening the on-call fighter aviation units engaged in the air defence system at the Batajnica airport and celebrated with them the beginning of the New Year 2019.
According to Minister Vulin, tonight our sky is free and protected thanks to the persistence, self-sacrifice, self-indulgence and professionalism of all members of the Air Force and Air Defence.
- We can say that our skies are free and that Serbia is calm and safe. Some other countries allow other countries' air forces to protect their skies, but our free sky will be guarded by Serbian planes and pilots and by the Serbian Air Defence. On behalf of the President of the Republic of Serbia and Supreme Commander of the Serbian Armed Forces Aleksandar Vučić and on my personal behalf I wish to thank all members of the Serbian Armed Forces for their huge self-sacrifice, efforts, enthusiasm and professionalism, for loving the Serbian Armed Forces and their country so much, and that thanks to them all of us can feel calm and safe knowing that Serbia is free, protected and safeguarded, Minister Vulin said.
He wished all members of the Serbian Armed Forces the year 2019 to be the year of success, further progress, further development and strengthening of the Serbian Armed Forces, as well as the year of peace, stability and security.
- I wish it to be the year in which the Armed Forces will once again confirm how strong, advanced, safe it is, but also the year in which we will together learn, work, develop, the year in which we will spend more time with those we love and who love us, the year in which we will once again prove that being a member of the Serbian Armed Forces is more than a job and occupation, that it is a mission and a life orientation to protect Serbia, the country you love so much. Serbia will be free and in 2019 thanks to the Serbian Armed Forces and its members who I wish a lot of happiness and health, to have children and Serbia to be proud of them as it has been, the Minister of Defence said.
General Mojsilović expressed his great satisfaction to be tonight in the combat unit of the 204th Air Brigade that demonstrated work in an increased level of readiness of the on-call pair of fighters.
- Considering that this is a special day, the transition of the 2018 calendar year to 2019, I would take this opportunity to wish all members of the Serbian Armed Forces good health, family happiness and personal wellbeing, with expectations that the Serbian Armed Forces in 2019 will enter stronger, more capable and at readiness and prepared to perform all those tasks that are assigned to it by the military and state leadership, the Chief of General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces said.
Captain Nebojša Radojković, a pilot in the on'call unit, emphasised that this unit continuously operates in the on-duty 24/7/365 Serbian Air Policing system. He extended all members of the Serbian Armed Forces and citizens of Serbia best wishes for the New Year 2019 and emphasized that the members of the Air Force will remember the past year 2018 by the equipping and renewing of the aviation and receiving MiG-29 jets and Lasta trainer aircraft in their units.