Minister Vulin: Serbia has developed minority rights at the highest European level
Today, Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin attended the opening of the Third Fair dedicated to national minorities living in Serbia – “Harmonious mosaic of Serbia” in the Hall 5 of the Belgrade Fair.
The opening of the Fair, organised by the Office for Human and Minority Rights of the Serbian Government, was attended by the Office Director Suzana Paunović and Vice President of Serbian National Assembly Vladimir Marinković.
Minister Vulin expressed his personal satisfaction, and satisfaction of every member of Serbian Government, in being able to say that the state of Serbia has developed minority rights at the highest European level.
According to his words, he is proud of the fact that the Serbian Government pursues such policy towards national minorities living in Serbia.
- They will never be hostages of the policy of someone from out of Serbia. Never, no matter how this or some other government behaved, or the government of some other country in the region which has its national minority here, will they be able to disrupt our relations and our treatment of the national minority which lives in Serbia. Whatever politicians across our borders did both to the benefit or detriment of their people, their countries, to Serbia, our relation towards national minorities will never be caused or in relation to their relation towards Serbia. We will always protect, love our citizens and ensure that they feel well and dignified in their country – the country which loves them the most. No one will ever be able to love them the way their neighbours love them, the people with whom they spend their life and share both good and evil. The policy of the Government of Serbia towards national minorities will never be tailored according to other states, but exclusively to the people that we love and appreciate, who live in our country – Minister Vulin concluded.
The Office Director Suzana Paunović stressed that the “Harmonious mosaic of Serbia” was dedicated to all of us who live in Serbia.
As she emphasised, Serbia is an example for many member states of the European Union and beyond of how and in what manner the human rights standards are safeguarded, honoured and what they truly look like in practice.
At the Fair, organised to observe the International Human Rights Day, the national minorities will present their cultural heritage and panel discussions are to take place on the topics significant for national minorities living in Serbia.