Visit from the delegation of Belarus to the University of Defence
Major General Goran Radovanović, Rector of the University of Defence, received a three-member delegation of the Belarusian Military Academy led by Major General Viktor Aleksandrovich Lisovsky.
At the meeting, they talked about sharing experience among lecturers from the two higher education institutions, organisation of a round table to discuss concrete security challenges, exchange of students and intellectual cadre, and about internship of professors in the scientific institutions of both countries.
General Lisovsky stressed that armed forces of the Republic of Belarus are marking this year a centenary of the existence, and next year, 25 years since the founding of the Republic of Belarus will be marked.
At the end of the meeting, General Radovanović presented a plaque of the University of Defence to General Lisovsky, who invited the Rector of the Defence University to visit the Belarusian Military Academy.
During the visit, the delegation of Belarus visited part of the facilities of the University of Defence.