Congratulatory Message of the Minister of Defence on the Occasion of the Services Day
Congratulatory Message on the Occasion of the Day of Meteorology and Navigation Service
I congratulate 1st November - Day of Meteorology and Navigation Service to all its members.
With successful realisation of tasks in the field of meteorology and navigation, you celebrate more than nine decades of the existence of your service in memory of the day when the first Meteorology section of the First Air Force Command was founded in Petrovaradin, whreat you proudly cherish the tradition of your service.
With a wish for you to be even more successful in the period to come in discharging the assigned tasks, giving immeasurable contribution to development of the Air Force and Air Defence, and the Serbian Armed Forces as a whole, I congratulate this holiday to you.
Congratulatory Message on the Occasion of the Day of Veterinary Service
I extend cordial congratulations on the occasion of 1st November - Day of Veterinary Service to all its members.
With dedication and responsible approach to work you daily successfully discharge assigned tasks, contribute to development of both your service and logistic services of the Serbian Armed Forces as a whole.
Confident that, in the period to come, you will just as well face the challenges in front of you, I congratulate this holiday to you.