Minister Vulin received Plaque of HISPA Association
Tonight, at the International HISPA Symposium at the Belgrade-based Crown Plaza Hotel, Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin has received the plaque on the occasion of the 5th anniversary of the Hypertension, Infarction and Stroke Prevention Association (HISPA).
President of HISPA and the International Society of Vascular Health (ISVH), Prof. Nebojša Tasić presented Minister Vulin with the first Plaque awarded on the 5th anniversary of the Association, and emphasized that he was particularly pleased to present it to him as “a person who respects and likes the traditions of the Serbian army with his position and his personality and connects them with our present”.
Minister Vulin addressed the participants at the opening of the Symposium and stressed that it is a great honour to speak to doctors, “to people who make life better every day”.
- Tonight we have recalled from what kind of people we are coming, how it looked like 100 years ago. I am grateful that Professor Tasić put a picture of great people, famous doctors of Serbian medicine before us, and, on the other hand, we were put in front of that mirror to ask ourselves how much we deserve them. In the heaviest moments, this people was able to deliver those better than it is. That is why we passed. Thanks to all the doctors who are struggling, fighting and making life possible and more beautiful, the minister of defence emphasized and told foreigners to enjoy the city to which they will certainly wish to come back and say that “there are no better people, because that is what this country and the people are worth repeating”.
- They inherited them as a sacred, family and professional bequeathal. Now and here we owe them words of memories and admiration. Their goodness has never been and will not be forgotten by the Serbian people, Dr Tasić said.
The "Stanislav Binički” Artistic Ensemble of the Ministry of Defence participated in the cultural and artistic part of this evening’s programme.
The Hypertension, Infarction and Stroke Prevention Association (HISPA) includes 65 networked specialised centres for the diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular patients in seven countries - Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Croatia and Ukraine.