The Stand of the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces Opened at the Book Fair
This evening, the stand of the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces has been ceremonially opened at the 63rd International Book Fair in Belgrade.
Chief of General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces General Milan Mojsilović, addressing the gathered guests and readers of the “military” written word at the stand of the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces, greeted the present on behalf of the Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin stressing that during the days of the fair, that stand would present 20 new titles, among which the special attention would be given to the edition “Ratnik” (Warrior).
According to him, the story about a Serbian warrior is continued by the edition “Ratnik” where in seven volumes, 70 interlocutors testified about the heroism of our armed forces in Kosovo and Metohija, then Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, during the NATO Aggression in 1999. General Mojsilović underlined that the first four volumes of that edition were in fact the journal of the Commander of the Third Army Lieutenant General Nebojša Pavković: the fifth book consists of the memories of the brigade commanders headed by the Commander of Priština Corps General Vladimir Lazarević, while the sixth and seventh books are dedicated to the battles of Košare and Paštrik.
- I would also single out the book titled the “Great War - Written in Stone” which speaks about the war memorials erected in memory of enormous Serbian victims claimed by the Great War - General Mojsilović stressed.
Speaking about the significance of the mentioned works, the Chief of General Staff underscored that they testified about the continuity of the struggle of Serbian people for liberty, building of a modern state and preservation of integrity and roots not only in the Serbia of Nemanjići but in Serbia of St. Sava as well.
- Even today, Serbia, its people and its armed forces are faced with temptations that have been following us for centuries - to remain the host of our own home, to be independent, autonomous, free. Our written word is in service of that Serbia to remind it, guide and warn it, to give it meaning and make it stronger. To make Serbia better, to the joy of the present and future generations behind which there is a great and rich cultural heritage, and who are responsible and obliged to preserve that heritage, add to it, and follow it - General Mojsilović sent the message, and added that military publishing activity played an important role in it.
At this year’s book fair, the military publishing activity presented itself to the audience by military books, history, non-fiction, geopolitics, military equipment, military health, art and also the literature intended for the studies at the University of Defence.
Opening of the stand was also marked by presenting the slogan of this year’s fair “We serve Serbia” and by the address of Second Lieutenant Maša Ilić, the best ranked cadet of the 139th Class of the Military Academy, who highlighted that it was an event in which the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces had been leaving their imprint for many years, demonstrating how it used its intellectual capacities and which topics it dealt with. The circumstances of the 21st century, she added, had initiated the engagement of the forces of defence system on many fronts, one of them being the scientific and research work, and the creative work reflected in many areas.
Members of the boards of the minister of defence and Chief of General Staff also attended the opening of the stand of the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces at the 63rd International Book Fair.