Regarding the malicious and inaccurate claims of the Military Trade Union of Serbia in connection with the spending of funds intended for payment of jubilee awards and severance pay to the members of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces, for the sake of true public information, we wish to point out the following:
The claims of the Serbian Military Union that RSD 800 million intended for severance pay and jubilee awards have “disappeared” from the budget of the Ministry of Defence are absolutely untrue.
Pursuant to the Budget System Law of the Republic of Serbia, the Ministry of Defence in 2018 was earmarked financial resources in the amount of RSD 128,500,000 for severance payments in 2018, and RSD 170,100,000 for the payment of jubilee awards.
The funds were spent exclusively for their intended purpose, which is easily verifiable, and they were approved within the limits established by the Ministry of Finance in the process of 2018 budget preparation and were spent for severance pay until July 2018, inclusive.
In accordance with the Budget System Law, the Ministry of Defence, in cooperation with the Ministry of Finance, provided part of the financial resources by redirection, so that the regular payment of severance pays continued.