Minister Vulin: President Vučić’s visit to China is historical
- The visit from President Vučić to China is historical. Serbia has entered the big door on the world stage and having such a friend as China is, as the president of China is, that is something that even not much more bigger, more important and richer countries in international relations cannot say for themselves, Defence Minister Aleksandar Vulin has said today, during his visit to Bijeljina-based Orao company, commenting on the visit of Aleksandar Vučić, President of the Republic of Serbia, to the People's Republic of China.
- Personal relations that Aleksandar Vučić managed to develop with the Chinese president are something that opened all doors to us. And the personal relationships he has developed with the Chinese leadership show how important it is who is leading your country. And how important it is how such people are perceived and how after that it specifically reflects on the lives of the citizens of the countries they lead. The jobs that Aleksandar Vučić brought from China, billions of euros of investments, could not be brought even by a president of a much larger or more populous country. That is why it is important who leads us. This is a historical visit and we are really proud and more than satisfied with the results, Minister Vulin said.

