Minister Vulin: I am grateful to all those who incorporated their lives in the Serbian Armed Forces
- I express my gratitude to all the retired servicemen, headed by Chief of General Staff General Diković who did extraordinary job, as well as generals Veličković and Grbić, defence minister Aleksandar Vulin said today commenting on the new appointments and terminations of the professional military service for the officers of the Serbian Armed Forces, pointing out that this is a natural process.
During today's visit to the Niš Military Hospital, he stated that he was grateful to all the persons who have incorporated their lives into the Serbian Armed Forces.
- The Serbian Armed Forces has not emerged today or yesterday, it is the institution of this people, successful, powerful and beloved because the people such as General Diković and all those who constitute and who constituted our armed forces invested their lives in it, the minister of defence said.
As minister Vulin pointed out, Chief of General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces is Lieutenant General Milan Mojsilović, who is “an exceptional soldier, a man of great experience and great war experience, but who also has a diplomatic experience”.
- He is a man who loves his country, who knows his army, a man who has passed all commanding officer’s duties – from the tank leader to the Army Commander. And all those who have been promoted now, or are performing their duties on new functions, are people who need to bring new energy and to continue with what has been done so far. The Serbian Armed Forces has a personnel potential, which we show, and the Serbian Armed Forces will only continue to strengthen, to protect its country even more strongly and to be a deterring factor for anyone who thinks that they should attack Serbia, the minister of defence concluded.


Statement by minister Vulin