Equipping Military Police will continue
Defence Minister Aleksandar Vulin has attended today official reception on the occasion of the Military Police Day, marked in memory of the formation of the military police of the then Yugoslav People's Army on 14th September 1955.
As Minister Vulin said at the ceremony in the Great War Room of the Old General Staff building in Belgrade, the military police “just as any police in the world, is not easy to love, but it is hard not to respect it”.
- They are to show everything that is important for us and everything for which our people love, respect and appreciate the Serbian Armed Forces. As much as they are successful in addressing phenomena that we do not want to be part of our army, that is the measure of our success as well. Over the past year, the Military Police got new weapons, new uniforms, it will get, after many years, motorcycling division, new vehicles will be acquired, the most modern and state of the art vans, as they deserve, Minister Vulin said.
He emphasized that this is proof of how much we appreciate what they do and how much it is important to us that what they do, they do it successfully and in the best conditions.
Members of the Military Police, on the occasion of the holiday, handed out to Minister Vulin a black beret, a symbol of members of the Military Police, as a token of appreciation for the successful cooperation and support provided. Today, appreciation letters have been given to associates, colleagues and friends of the Military Police with whom they have had long-term successful cooperation.
Head of the Military Police Department, Colonel Rajko Milovanović, spoke about the history of the Military Police and said that the priority directions for further development are achieving greater operability and efficiency in the work of the units and bodies of the Military Police.
- Also, the priority is to strengthen the security of the units and institutions of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces, the development of partnership relations at the international level, the improvement of the education system of the Military Police personnel in accordance with the contemporary security challenges and risks, as well as equipping with modern weapons and technical means, Colonel Milovanović emphasized.
The reception was attended by Zoran Đorđević, Minister of Labour, Employment, Veterans and Social Affairs, General Ljubiša Diković, Chief of General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces, representatives of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces and numerous guests.