Minister Vulin: Priority of SDI - safety of workers and investment in new technologies
During the visit to the Milan Blagojević - Namenska A.D. Company in Lučani, Defence Minister Aleksandar Vulin said that last year the Serbian Defence Industry realised export worth USD 569 million.
- This year we expect that the results will be even better and that we will have export of over six million dollars. The Serbian Defence Industry is of strategic interest both to the Government and to our state, and all the decisions that will be made, will be for the purpose of developing the industry, for workers to have better conditions and, of course, the adoption of new technologies will be also taken into account.
He added that the Serbian Defence Industry, apart from its operation and strengthening of capacities must always have as its priority meeting the needs of the Serbian Armed Forces.
- It exists because of the Serbian Armed Forces and because of our need for armaments and supplies, and, of course, because of the technological development. Milan Blagojević - Namenska A.D. Company and the whole Serbian Defence Industry are committed to development and technological progress, and thanks to their work and results, the Serbian Armed Forces can acquire arms and equipment cheaper than those on the world market – Minister Vulin said and repeated that the Defence Industry is our strategic interest.


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