Minister Vulin: Training is what distinguishes a successful army from a failed one
Defence Minister Aleksandar Vulin visited today the in-house cadet training of the 140th class of the Military Academy for driving motor vehicles at the Beranovac motorway near Kraljevo.
After his visit, Minister Vulin pointed out that after many years of deliberate neglect of training in the Serbian Armed Forces, the investments in the quality of the training centres are intensified, as well as the investments in the quality of the training itself.
- In the forthcoming period, we are going to invest even more money and more energy so that all our training centres increase their capacities in order to be able to receive a greater number of students, and to provide them with appropriate technical means to raise the training quality to a higher level. Training is what distinguishes a successful victorious army from an unsuccessful one and an army that loses wars and is defeated – Minister Vulin said.
According to him, training is something that should distinguish our soldier from the others.
- In the period to come, the Serbian Armed Forces will make certain courses and skills available also to the short-term volunteers, which will be useful to them also in the civil sector. As it used to be before, the military is an opportunity not only to master the military skills and the skills that the military needs, but to master the skills that you will need later in the civilian life, on which you may be able to live. It is all part of the military, and every investment in the Armed Forces is actually an investment in the quality of life of our citizens – Minister Vulin pointed out.
The minister of defence added: the better the training is, the better our training fields and techniques are, and the more practical courses and skills to be offered to people from the civilian sector there are, more favour the Armed Forces will do to Serbia, because more trained people means safer Serbia.
As Lieutenant Colonel Goran Dobrić, Commander of the Transport and Movement Service Training Battalion of the Logistic Training Centre in Kraljevo, pointed out at the Beranovac motorway, drivers are trained for all categories of vehicles.
- Training on motor vehicles of B and C1 categories with cadets of the 140th class of the Military Academy is underway. As we can see, this training field contains all the elements we can encounter in traffic, one day, as drivers. What is important to emphasize and what is the advantage of this training field is that there are certain traffic routes, which cadets and other candidates in training encounter, as part of the practical training in this field, so that they are not a novelty when they get out into traffic, which is an advantage in relation to civilian auto schools – Lieutenant Colonel Dobrić said adding that special attention was paid to traffic safety.
Lieutenant Colonel Dobrić also pointed out that the training field was completely arranged and marked in accordance with the laws and regulations that define training in the Serbian Armed Forces and the Ministry of Defence.