Minister Vulin: Citizens are safe with their Armed Forces
Defence Minister Aleksandar Vulin and the Chief of General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces General Ljubiša Diković have talked today with Lieutenant Dušan Trajković, who saved life of a young man taken out unconscious from the bottom of the swimming pool of “Čair” in Niš, on 8th August.
Congratulating him on his brave feat, Minister Vulin pointed out that Lieutenant Trajković proved to be a brave man, just as every member of the Armed Forces is brave and ready to always help his fellow citizens and always be with his country, but he showed that training is what distinguishes us and what characterises us. Members of the Serbian Armed Forces, besides their human qualities, must be well trained and self-confident and must know how to offer assistance.
That is precisely why the Ministry of Defence has launched a wider campaign with the Ministry of Education, including the changes in its organizational structure, to enable the population to be trained and ready to respond in situations that threaten lives or property in our country.
- We all need to recall those skills that have once adorned us, all those skills that can sometimes make the difference between life and death. Therefore, the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces, with the whole country, will continue to work to ensure that the level of skills that we need go beyond the Serbian Armed Forces, not to make it a privilege of a narrow circle of members of the Armed Forces, but that the skills that can help in keeping life and property, to expand and that we return to what we once knew – Minister Vulin said.
The minister added that the Serbian Armed Forces acquires equipment and armaments, trying to compensate, in a very short period of time, for the decades-long negligence and the gap between us and the most modern armies in the world, but most of all, the Serbian Armed Forces takes care of the quality of its people.
Congratulating Lieutenant Trajković, General Diković emphasized that this humane gesture confirms that members of our Armed Forces are adorned by courage, bravery and belief in their own capabilities, adding that essentially, investing in the Serbian Armed Forces and its capabilities is investing in the safety of every citizen of our country.
- Citizens of the Republic of Serbia can be sure that the members of the Armed Forces will be at their service in every situation and help them by their actions, in peace, as well as in any other situations, to absolutely protect the security and the interests of the Republic of Serbia – General Diković said, adding that special emphasis was put on the training of members of our armed forces.
Speaking about the feat of the young lieutenant, the Chief of General Staff pointed out that he also showed courage, adding that “the brave man is he who knows, knows how to overcome fear and who is self-assured, before he goes into action, that he will do it successfully”, stressing that such members, today perhaps more than ever, are needed by the Serbian Armed Forces.
Speaking of his humane gesture, Lieutenant Trajković, a member of the 49th Logistics Battalion Command, said that he spent his day at the summer vacation near the pool when he saw a rescuer drawing out a young man.
- Without thinking I ran there, started with reanimation and massage of the heart and, with artificial respiration I managed to restore pulse and breathing to the drowning man - Lieutenant Trajković explains, adding that in that situation he applied first aid training he learned during his education at the Military Academy and at the training in its unit.
According to him, at that moment he was concentrated to do his best to save the life of a fellow citizen who needed help.
Minister Vulin and General Diković awarded Lieutenant Trajković and his family a seven-day stay at Mt. Tara resort.