Minister Vulin: Serbia cannot remain quiet when hatred repeats itself in front of its eyes
Answering a reporter’s question about the statements that followed the commemoration of the “Storm”, Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin, who as the Envoy of the President of the Republic attended the celebration of observing the Day of River Flotilla in Novi Sad, stated that not one representative of the Serbian side had said anything that was not true, while Croatia often stood in front of a mirror being angry with its reflection.
- Do not be angry with the one who put the mirror in front of you; Change! Try to change and no one will speak about the Ustasha movement. Do not fly flags with the inscription “Za dom spremni (lit."For home (land) – ready!")” and no one will speak about Ustashas. Do not erect monuments with the inscription “Za dom spremni” in Jasenovac and no one will speak about Ustashas. Do not rejoice at having killed 2000 people and expelled 250,000 people and expect us to share that happiness with you – emphasised Minister Vulin adding that Serbia solely uttered the words of seriousness, dignity and truth.
According to him no one has yet disputed that what we say is truth, but they only say “you have gone too far”.
- Can truth go too far? I think that it cannot. Aleksandar Vučić delivered a statesman’s speech, as a representative of a nation, the President of one people, the people of sufferers. He won the right for his people to finally say the truth about itself. Until he came, we had been quiet, and we did not celebrate our victories. We were not allowed to speak about our tragedies, and we were not allowed to speak whatsoever. But now we can speak and no one will take that right from us – underlined Minister Vulin.
- When you fly a flag with the inscription “Za dom spremni”, what is it that you expect from a Serb of from the Serbs? To be silent, to rejoice, to apologise, to express their understanding? What do you expect from a child of a nation whose one million of fellow citizensе were killed? In this generation alone, at least 250,000 fellow citizens were expelled in front of our eyes only in the criminal military action “Storm”, not to mention the others. We cannot equalize those things and you cannot expect from Serbia to remain quiet when the same hatred repeats in front of its eyes. It is because we kept quiet about Jasenovac that we lived to see the “Storm” and that is why I would prefer we never kept quiet about it – Minister Vulin sent the message.

