The First Year of the Work of theGovernment: The Armed Forces and Police are one security and defence system which protects Serbia
To mark the first year of the work of the Government, the Prime Minister of the Government of the Republic of Serbia Ana Brnabić, Ministers of Defence and Internal Affairs, Aleksandar Vulin an Nebojša Stefanović and the President of the Provincial Government Igor Mirović visited today a static display of arms and military and police equipment in the Central town square in Subotica. The display was organised by the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces and the Ministry of Interior.
- The Serbian Armed Forces and the Ministry of Defence are being speedily equipped, speedily armed and as soon as in the end of the year and beginning of the next, we will be able to say that we have achieved operational capabilities and the capabilities to defend our country which we did not have in previous 20 years – Minister Vulin stressed.
He stated that the Serbian Armed Forces are capable of protecting our integrity, and every metre of our country, and that they guarantee that they will recognise and counter every asymmetric threat no matter where it comes from.
- Wherever you see the Serbian Armed Forces, you know that there is order, security and safety for every our citizen. The peace-loving policy of stability led by the President of the Republic of Serbia and Supreme Commander of the Serbian Armed Forces Aleksandar Vučić is strongly supported by the Serbian Armed Forces. Strong and secure Serbian Armed Forces are the guarantee of a strong and secure Serbia, and without peaceful, stable and secure Serbia there cannot be the peaceful and stable Balkans – Minister Vulin said and thanked the Prime Minister and all the members of the Government for great understanding which they had showed when it came to the need to improve the standard off the members of the Serbian Armed Forces.
- I would like to thank the President of the Republic of Serbia for the great investments in the Serbian Armed Forces, since it allowed us to be able to match any armed force in the surroundings. The Serbian Armed Forces is capable of preserving the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the state of Serbia – Minister of Defence pointed out.
-I wish to thank Ministers Vulin and Stefanović for having done everything they could so that the security services could be more present among the people, among the citizens, by which we wanted to symbolically show you that we are your Government, that we are the Government that works for you, to provide for you, to make your lives better – the Prime Minister of the Government said.
As she pointed out, the security services are a good indicator of what we can do when we work every day and give our best.
- In a relatively short period, we have managed to recover the security services, to invest a lot in them, to revive our technology, to get our knowledge back, to even raise by little the living standard thus expressing gratitude to our security services which do the most dangerous job in the country for the benefit of all of us – the Prime Minister Brnabićstressed and added that the Government of the Republic of Serbia would continue doing it in the following year.
- I have to thank the President of the Republic of Serbia, Mister Aleksandar Vučić for having been the first to realise the necessity to bring the security services back on their feet and to reconnect them with their citizens – the Prime Minister underlined.
Minister Stefanović said that the Ministry of Interior was always with its citizens and not only on that day.
-I do not differentiate between the work of the Police and the Armed Forces. Minister Vulin and I always appear together, because we defend the same country and the same people. Our task is complex, and in some areas it is different, but it is important for the people to know that both the armed forces and police are a single system of defence and security which protects our Serbia and all the people of this country – said Minister Stefanović and added that he was proud of that year of the work of Ana Brnabić’s Government, and of what the Ministry of Interior achieved in that period.