Minister Vulin: Owing to Vučić’s policy, today, there is no one from abroad who can command Serbia
“Priština wants everything but it does not want to give anything. A compromise with Priština is far from reaching and it is very difficult. That is why Priština invites the United States in order to get a greater support of the powerful, large countries, which are on its side. President Vučić knows that they are lying and deceiving him, but he is wise and brave enough not to let Serbia be the responsible. You cannot command Serbia anymore” stated Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin in RTS evening news commenting on the halt in the Brussels negotiations between Belgrade and Priština.
„Aleksandar Vučić knows very well that they are lying and deceiving him by these negotiations and he knows perfectly well that they will always try to shift the responsibility to him and Serbia for all the failures of the Brussels dialogue. But they cannot blame Serbia for the halt or say that it has not been true to its word. Vučić is brave enough to say NO, and brave enough to say YES, which is not easy” said Minister Vulin.
Speaking about the possibility of involving again the USA in the resolution of the problem, Minister Vulin pointed out that Haradinaj wants it “because he sees that he has come to a dead end”.
- Haradinaj wants it because he sees that all the arguments are on our side, and because he sees that they cannot discourage Aleksandar Vučić, because they see that the Serbian policy is not the policy of a defeatist Serbia that would like to kill Aleksandar Vučić today, and that the Serbian policy is not the policy of some Slaviša Ristić and his parties who created the border, that we call the Administrative Line in Brnjak and Jarinje. They see that this is a different Serbia that tears down those borders, that tears down the Administrative Line. And it is only natural that he is immediately asking for help and requesting assistance from someone more powerful, that he believes would use its force to make Aleksandar Vučić give in, but Aleksandar Vučić is not really a man who gives in so easily – Minister Vulin pointed out.
Speaking about the role of the European Union, Minister Vulin said that everybody sees that the EU negotiators quite rarely manage to fulfil their role of neutral mediators, and that everybody sees that they are far more often taking Priština’s side, trying to justify its every move and making sure that the message is always heard: “Let the both sides refrain themselves”.
According to him, it is important to stress that everything that is being done, is done with an intention to preserve the state and national interests in the territory of Kosovo and Metohija and that everybody fights on their front. “The Serbian Armed Forces have managed on several occasions to prevent appointing some bogus attachés of some false, non-existing armed forces of Kosovo, who would thus be accepted as if they were real officers, or representatives of real armed forces, which of course do not exist and which can never exist in the territory of Kosovo and Metohija. It is naturally immensely important that everybody does its part of the work so that we could assist our main negotiator and the man who truly carries the greatest burden of the negotiations and everything that happens in Kosovo and Metohija, President Aleksandar Vučić – Minister emphasised.