Joint exercise of the Serbian Armed Forces and the Ministry of Interior
The exercise of the Serbian Armed Forces and the Ministry of Interior “Joint Strike 2018” will be held in Kraljevo, at the Serbian Warriors' Square and at the Athletic Stadium, on 27th June 2018, starting at 10 am.
Participants in the exercise are members of the Gendarmerie, Special Anti-terrorist Unit (SAJ), Helicopter Unit, Police Brigade and Police Intervention Unit, together with the Army Special Brigade, units of the Serbian Armed Forces Military Police, the Military Police Battalion for Special Operations “Cobras” and the support forces from the aviation brigades of the AF&AD.
Demonstration of the infantry echelon of the reaction forces of the Serbian Armed Forces, equipped with arms and military equipment according to the “1500 Project”, and the military oath-taking ceremony for conscripts of June 2018 generation will follow after the exercise.
You can download the exercise announcing videoHERE.

