Cooperation between the University of Defence and the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts
State Secretary Aleksandar Živković and Rector of the University of Defence, Major-General Prof. Mladen Vuruna and his associates have met with the President of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Vladimir Kostić and representatives of that institution, at the University of Defence today.
- We agreed that representatives of the University of Defence participate in the work of the SASA expert committees and to continue and intensify the cooperation. We have also reached agreement on joint participation in scientific and research projects of significance for the defence and security of the Republic of Serbia, Major-General Prof. Mladen Vuruna, Rector of the University of Defence, said.
At the meeting, they also discussed the possibilities of joint engagement in the project of digitalisation of educational and scientific literature, organisation of scientific meetings and symposiums and cooperation in the preparation of strategic studies of importance for the Republic of Serbia.


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