Concert to the Fatherland with love
Yesterday, in the Ceremonial Hall of the Central Military Club in Belgrade, Stanislav Binički Artistic Ensemble of the Ministry of Defence performed a concert entitled “On the eve of St. Vitus Day - to the Fatherland with Love”. Famous interpreters, accompanied by the Ensemble conducted by Pavle Medaković, performed patriotic, military and spiritual songs by various music authors, composed on the lines of retired Colonel Stanoje Jovanović, a military journalist and publicist.
At the beginning of the concert, the video of the solemn song “The Hilandar Ballad”, by Stanoje Jovanović and Rade Radivojević, directed by Danilo Paškvan and produced by “Zastava film” Military Film Centre, was also premiered.
“Have a safe journey my soldier”, “The song of engineers”, “The country is defended by heart”, “Roots”, “Soldier's mother”, but also the songs about romantic side of the military life, “Soldier's dream” and “Write a letter to a soldier” ... were performed one after another in front of the satisfied audience, to whom the celebrant thanked for the support.
At the concert, grandchildren of Stanoje Jovanović, Dušan and Jovan, recited his favourite children's song “The Whispering Board”.
At the end of the concert, the Hilandar Ballad composition was performed by Choir “Queen Mary” for the first time, accompanied by Stanislav Binički Artistic Ensemble and Ensemble Renaissance.
The concert, conducted by Milica Gacin, was organized with the support and assistance of the Public Relations Department of the Ministry of Defence.