Minister Vulin: We are proud of you
Defence Minister Aleksandar Vulin and all members of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces congratulate members of the Ministry of Interior and the Security Information Agency on outstanding professionalism and efficiency.
“Despite all the pressures, lies, political assaults, personal insults and disdain, Minister Stefanović and director Gašiž have proven that they are top professionals who lead committed and worthy people”, Defence Minister Aleksandar Vulin said congratulating members of the police and BIA on the quick reaction in revealing all details in the case of journalist Stefan Cvetković.
“The liars who immediately poured out their hatred on President Vučić and their enmity toward Stefanović and Gašić, the liars who offended each and every BIA officer and worker should now find the humanity to apologize, and those who spread false news about water in Belgrade should be prosecuted. On behalf of all members of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces, I wish to congratulate President Vučić, Vice President Stefanović and Director Gašić as well as all members of the Military Inteligence Agency and the BIA for exceptional knowledge and dedication. We are proud of you”, Minister Vulin said.