With reference to the communication by Rodoljub Šabić, Commissioner for Information of Public Importance, the Ministry of Defence informs the public that the amendments to the Law on Defence are to protect military classified information, and hence the security of the state and all its citizens.
It is untrue that by the amendments to the Law on Defence, the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces are excluded from the unified system of access to information of public importance, but as in all armies of the world, the data and information that cannot be disclosed to the public are defined.
The Ministry of Defence invites the Commissioner to tell the citizens of Serbia in which country that has its own army there are no military classified documents. It would be good for the Commissioner to say how the citizens' security would be contributed if his suggestion that all military documents could be made available to the public at his request is accepted.
Today's communication by the Commissioner, unfortunately, is another confirmation that in his search for publicity and his political career, he neither can stop communicating with the Ministry of Defence through the media, nor refrain from political assessments.