New issue of ODBRANA
The recently opened exhibition at the Central Military Club entitled “Diana's Children”, dedicated to the largest campaign of saving children from concentration camps during World War II, has raised the issue we have not even imagined that might be raised at the end of the second decade of the new millennium – how is it possible that Diana Budisavljević, a native Austrian woman, who saved more than seven thousand children, mainly Serbs from Kordun, Kozara, from Croatian and Bosnian villages – has been almost unknown until recently. Who was the woman who indebted the whole Serbian nation forever, and whom we never repaid for that, you can read in the new issue of Odbrana.

Over the last fifteen years, air traffic has dramatically increased and continues to grow, and the assumption is that the number of flights will double by 2030. If the air traffic safety, measured by the ratio of the total number of flights and the number of accidents, remains at that level, this would mean that the number of accidents would also double, which means that every day, somewhere on the globe, a transport airplane would fall, Prof. Nebojša Petrović, Director of the Traffic Accident Investigation Centre, says for our magazine.
We also recommend for the readers' attention the report from the 12th Balkan Chiefs of Defence Conference in Belgrade, as well as the records of the First International Competition of Military Drivers at the Beranovac Motorway and the exercise Otter 2018 on our Pannonian rivers, where the River Fleet and the First Army Brigade tested tactical and firing power of soldiers and commanding officers for six days.
IN FOCUS – 12th Balkan Chiefs of Defence Conference: PEACE-KEEPING IS THE MOST IMPORTANT TASK
DOSSIER – The consequences of NATO bombardment for the health of the nation (2): BALKAN SYNDROME
INTERVIEW – Prof. Nebojša Petrović, Director of the Traffic Accident Investigation Centre: SCIENCE IN SERVICE OF SECURITY
DEFENCE – First international competition of military drivers: OVER LOGS AND DRIFTS
At the Lisičji jarak sport airport: “BALKAN FRIENDSHIP JUMP 2018”
Second educational parachute camp: TRADITION MAKES RECORDS
Verica Milovanović, best nurse at the MMA: AUTHORITY OF KNOWLEDGE
SOCIETY – Diana Budisavljević: FACE OF GOD'S MERCY
Collective wedding ceremony in Belgrade: ON THE TRACK OF ONE LOVE
CULTURE – Soldiers in the History of Serbian Literature - Stanislav Vinaver: WAR COMRADES
FEILLEUTON – War crimes against Serbs in the First World War (2): FORGOTTEN ATROCITIES
ODBRANA can be purchased at newsstands of STAMPA and FUTURA PLUS, in VOJNA KNJIGA book store in 22, Vasina St. in Belgrade at a price of 100 dinars and the digital issue at portalwww.novinarnica.net.