Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

The Serbian Armed Forces the Guardian of Family Values

Today, Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin talked with Second Lieutenant Stefan Marković, who, wearing the uniform of the Serbian Armed Forces, married his wife Maja, a member of the Ministry of Interior, at collective wedding in Belgrade the previous day, where this couple led the line of the newlyweds.
On that occasion, Minister Vulin presented the young married couple with a seven day stay in the facility of the Military Establishment “Tara”, where after the wedding they can spend their honeymoon.
Congratulating the young married couple, Minister Vulin pointed out that he was very proud of those young people who showed in that way how proud they were of their armed forces and their state.
- There is no image more beautiful than the image of a young man, an officer, one of our best young men, who wears his uniform so proudly and who so proudly wears the insignia of the Serbian Armed Forces. This is our way to say how much we appreciate such move, how proud we are of the young people and we can be very happy to have such spouses within our security structures, since the bridegroom is a member of the armed forces, and the bride is from the Minsitry of Interior – Minister Vulin stressed.
According to him, the Serbian Armed Forces are the guardian of traditional values, guardian and mainstay of the family in Serbia, and the Serbian Armed Forces rejoice at every enlargement of a family and they will do their utmost to have more of such married couples and such joy.
- The Serbian Armed Forces is proud of these people and it will continue taking care of them – Minister Vulin sent the message.
On that day, the bridegroom in ceremonial blue uniform of the Serbian Armed Forces was one of the most noted ones, and it was why the Marković couple was chosen to lead the line of the newlyweds.
- I decided to get married in my uniform because I wanted to be different from the rest, and because I am proud and pleased to wear this uniform – Second Lieutenant Marković emphasises.
Speaking about the impressions from the wedding the previous day, Second Lieutenant Marković underlined that he had gladly accepted the idea of his then future wife to get married at that ceremony in particular, and that day, as they both agreed, would remain as one of their most beautiful memories.
- The stay in Tara that has been given to us means a lot at this moment since we have planned to travel somewhere for our honeymoon anyways. I would thank the minister of defence for this present – stressed Second Lieutenant Marković.
Second Lieutenant Marković, born in Negotin, was the best cadet among his colleagues from the Department for AF and AD, which was why at the promotion of officers last September he was awarded with a gun with a dedication. Second Lieutenant Marković works in the airfield “Batajnica” as the First Platoon Commander in the Artillery-Rocket Battery for small range rocked actions in the Centre for AF and AD training.
His wife Maja, also from Negotin, is an employee of the Police, and they expect a new addition to their family late in the summer when the family Marković will be one family member richer.
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