New Issue of “ODBRANA”
In the previous days, the headlines of almost all printed news were dominated by the news that, by the end of May, the Government will have established an Interdepartmental Body, whose establishment was initiated a year ago by more than 100 experts, and that the Assembly will set up a Commission to investigate the effects of NATO bombardment in order to determine the truth about the pollution and damage to the health of the population caused by NATO aggression against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. Thus a somewhat supressed story came into the focus of the public about malign paths of the bullet with depleted uranium penetrator.
Magazine “Odbrana” restores the column “Dossier” on its pages and in three sequels publishes expert views, opinions and testimonies about the consequences that he aggression of the North-Atlantic Alliance in 1999 left on the health of the population of our country.

Neo-fascists in certain parts of Europe are trying again to actualise the ideology defeated during the Second World War with tremendous victims. The duty of liberation and progressive forces is to prevent those who are trying to forge the history, justify the evil of fascism, their leaders and symbols and to relativize the committed crimes – these were the words that were heard on 5th and 6th May in Belgrade at a gathering of the Antifascist of the Balkans organised by SUBNOR of Serbia.
INTERVIEW – Colonel Boško Zorić, Acting Head of Training and Doctrine Department: GOOD GENES ARE NOT ENOUGH
DOSIER – The consequences of NATO bombardment for the health of the nation: THE LEGACY OF THE SILVER BULLET
DEFENCE – 12th Conference of Chiefs of General Staff of the Balkan Countries – BELGRADE HOSTING THE GENERALS
Preparations of Serbian tankmen for the International Military Games in the Russian Federation: TRAINING FOR THE FINALS
Joint Exercises of the First Brigade and River Flotilla: COACTION ON THE WATER
SOCIETY – From the gathering of Antifascists of the Balkans held in Belgrade: THIS IS NOT TIME TO RELAX
Exhibition of Turkish archery “Kemankes”: A SKILL BROUGHT TO PERFECTION
WORLD – Military parade in Moscow to mark the Day of Victory: IN HONOUR OF THE VETERANS
Scientific conference in Limnos: WHITENESS OF HISTORY
FEUILLETON – War crimes against the Serbs in the First World War: WITHOUT MERCY AND PITTY
HISTORY – Final fights in the territory of Yugoslavia in 1945: FREEDOM AT THE DOORSTEP
CULTURE – General Diković at the set of the film about King Petar: IN GLORY OF SERBIA
SPECIAL ADDITION 187 – Seven decades of the Military Film Centre “Zastava Film”: A JUBILEE OF THE MAGIC OF THE MOTION PICTURES
ODBRANA can be purchased at newsstands of STAMPA and FUTURA PLUS, in VOJNA KNJIGA book store in 22, Vasina St. in Belgrade at a price of 100 dinars and digital issue at portal www.novinarnica.net.