The Serbian Parliament adopted a set of laws in the field of defence
The members of the National Assembly of Serbia, who concluded the multi-day debate on the amendments yesterday, adopted today a set of laws in the field of defence at the Fourth Sitting of the First Ordinary Session of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia in 2018.
Members of Parliament today adopted the Draft Law on Military Education, the Draft Law amending the Law on Defence, the Draft Law amending the Law on the Serbian Armed Forces, and Draft Law on the Production and Trade in Weapons and Military Equipment.
The Draft Law amending the Law on the Engagement of the Serbian Armed Forces and Other Defence Forces in Multinational Operations outside the Republic of Serbia Borders and the Draft Law amending the Law on Military, Labour and Material Obligations were also adopted, and the highest legislative body adopted the Draft Law amending the Law on Security Information Agency.
The MPs adopted the 14 items of the agenda on 25th April and the discussion in principle on a set of defence laws ended two days later. At a session held on 27th April the MPs adopted proposals for decisions related to the participation of members of the Serbian Armed Forces in multinational operations this year.
Support was given for Proposal of the Decision on the Adoption of the Annual Plan for the Engagement of the Serbian Armed Forces and Other Defence Forces in Multinational Operations in 2018 and the Proposal of the Decision on the Participation of Serbian Armed Forces Personnel in Multinational Operations in 2018.
Also, representatives of the highest legislative body gave their support for Draft Law ratifying the Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of Serbia and the Government of the State of Israel concerning Military, Defence and Defence-Industrial Cooperation, the Draft Law ratifying the Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of Serbia and the Government of Greece on Cooperation within the Athens Multi-national Strategic and Maritime Coordination Centre.
Draft Law ratifying the Aviation Cooperation Memorandum between the Government of the Republic of Serbia and the Government of the Republic of Srpska and the Draft Law ratifying the Defence Cooperation Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Serbia and the Government of Romania were also adopted.
A number of 1,600 amendments were submitted to all proposed laws in the field of defence.