Congratulatory message of the President of the Republic of Serbia and Supreme Commander of the Serbian Armed Forces on the Serbian Armed Forces Day
I extend my greetings to all the members of the Serbian Armed Forces as they celebrate the 23rd April – the Serbian Armed Forces Day.
This year, the members of the Serbian Armed Forces carried out numerous tasks, achieved notable results in training and qualifying, and managed to maintain the required level of operational capabilities of the Serbian Armed Forces, continuing the centuries-old tradition of the Serbian Armed Forces in the year of marking historically significant jubilees for the Serbian people and the Armed Forces, the centenary of the victory in the First World War, the breakthrough of the Salonica Front and the adjunction of Srem, Banat and Bačka to Serbia.
The Second Serbian Uprising in Takovo, whose rise is marked as the Day of the Serbian Armed Forces, and especially its achievements, occupies a special place in our national history and represents a permanent source and inspiration for both the Serbian people and our army. The creation and construction of the modern Serbian state and the Armed Forces gets its confirmation in preserving traditional values, but also in accepting and adopting new cultural achievements.
Members of the Serbian Armed Forces make a great contribution to the progress of our homeland and all of our citizens, providing full support to strengthening the peace, security and stability of the region, as well as the full accession of our state to the European integration.
Dear soldiers, NCOs and officers, your job in our country is the most important one, the most difficult one, but also the most beautiful and most sacred one. Your obligation is to protect freedom and independence of Serbia. Convinced that you will accomplish these tasks, I congratulate you on the biggest military holiday.