Premiere of the film “Military Marches”
The premiere of the film “Military Marches”, produced by “Zastava Film” Military Film Centre, has been organized today at the Military Academy.
The screening of the latest 20-minute product of the Serbian military film company was attended by the Assistant Minister of Defence, Major General Slađan Đorđević, Head of the Defence University, Major General Mladen Vuruna, Commandant of the Military Academy, Colonel Miroslav Talijan, representatives of the Defence University and the Military Academy cadets.
- I am not going to tell you about the importance of military songs in building and strengthening the morale, to which not so many things can have as effective impact as march has, and this film was just made to point out the significance of the military song. We decided to present it at the Military Academy to the future officers of the Serbian Armed Forces in order for them to be able to use the song as a powerful weapon in the construction and strengthening of the military collective in their further careers, the director of Zastava Film said.
After the Screening, the collaborators and participants in the project were praised, including the composer of the march “Hey Soldiers, Airmen”, Jovan Jovanov, conductor of the “Stanislav Binički” Ensemble of the Ministry of Defence, Pavle Medaković and representatives of the units that took part in the realisation of the film.
Military marches are a series of combat songs written in an even measure and energetic, solid rhythm. The melody is accentuated to create a harmonious rhythm with a step and thus harmonizes the step of the whole unit. The essence and content of military marchers are determined by the historical conditions of individual epochs, by the character of the military, by the progress or backwardness of their tasks, as well as by the national characteristics and musical culture of the nation.

